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Im opening my eyes
And starting to DESPISE the media!
I've been brought up to take everything I see on television/ hear on the radio/read in the papers with a pinch of salt, but this whole michael Jackson fiasco has really opened my eyes to the greedy monsters pulling our strings.
I always adored him, and after all the recent media coverage (the THIS IS IT
tour and his death) I have been researching his life..
A reoccurring theme is his shyness, reluctancy to give interviews and staements. It becomes obvious as to why this is if you simply search some combinations of the following words in google;
Michael Jackson Face Molestation
I mean seriously, I believe that a thirteen year old boy (most guys start puberty at about twelve thirteen right?) not only becoming a man but a boy who is very aware of the world around him and what is acceptable and unacceptable in terms of relationships with adult males? Why would he even risk that, there's just no way! (Both boys claiming to be molested were thirteen?)
I stand by that he was proved innocent in court, despite all the negative press, outrageous accusations and apauling behavior of the American police dealing with him.
Back to my point, there were so many journalists and pulic figures tearing this man appart for years.. he gave MILLIONS of dollars to charities around the world and allowed disadvantaged children a great day out at neverland.. FREE.
Its a cruel world, yet he still had faith in the human race? Incredible.
I think everyone could learn someting from the way he lived his life.
As I sat watching the television today I saw an advert for "the last days of Michael Jackson"
the narator said something along the lines of "..on the other hand, crippled by debt and allegedly abusing pain killers in order to get..."
I mean WTF!??!?! They are focusing on ALLEGATIONS?? Money hungry barstweards if you ask me!!! Why don't we look at the FACTS about his life like having the number one album sales of all time or over-generous donations to charities but NOOO already they are conspiring about his cause of death.
It sickens me and has taught me to seriously think about EVERY article on television, in papers/magazines and wherever else.
Just wanted to rant about that
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Black is Back
Guess who's back... Back again... Shady's back.... Tell a friend.
Well, basically, I keep forgetting about this place... Kids-Online and Dacity. Heh, don't kill me!
Now I am back, possibly every day now. I have completed my Freshman year and I am now a Sophmore. I dun feel so special.
If anyone has questions... PM me? I guess?
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I rocked and rolled on to this site man oh man.
ALL good way up in my hood:
Doing my teaching internship
Still very much engaged wedding will be in 2008.
Still living and still a having fun when I have the time man this gal has been BUSY!
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hey ppl
mmkay. sooooo.. idk.. im bored.. let's see. what's new. umm i just got back from camp. it was fun. now i have to pack everything in my room... which is hard cuz i have a lot in my room... and now yea umm im moving in a week. my birthday's in a month. ^^ nothing else is new. i have a boring life. well i have to go.. ooo, i have to pack. fffffunnnn.. -.-;;;; welllllll byeeee
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fill in
Obviously i have something incredibly wrong with me. know i seriously thought he was just the nicest funniest guy ((evvverrr)). Well hes starting to make me feel like hes trash. Today during champions day i saw him like 10000 zillion times but he never once said hi. I was already mad at him cause supposedly hes been checking out a bunch of girls.I WAS UPSET.NICK IS MY BFFL.HE GIVES ME HUGS.MIKE SAW.SO WHAT YEAH I KNOW. So online he goes "look you dont want me checkin out hot girls && i dont want you huggin nick. i dont like that very much" then he goes onnnn and onnn and onnnnnnn about how nick only said that mike was doing all this stuff so that mike would be dumped and nick could get some. its so stupid. ughhh!
anyways heres my myspace.
its on private so dont be a loser and think u,who doesnt even know me can be added as my friend. if ur my friend on here okay its cool. but i actually add people, and ONLY the people who r madd good friends with me. =] k so lettin u know.
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Ooh yeash
okay I've been away from here for a while but I'm backfeelin good but got kicked out of summer school for a day.. gotta huge swollen bruise on my hand now lol.. anyway that's all I feel like typing
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Fun in the Sinister Way
Okay, I'll tell you what happened to us today. Or what we did. Well, me and Angela were lounging around the beach like half the day and we got our tans. (Oh Goody!) So Angela and me went around the town and pulled pranks on the beach goers. Like there was this one dude who bought sunscreen and we hid it around his blanket and put in a replacement one that had sand it it. The unwary dude opened the top and squeezed what he though was lotion on his face, (his eyes and mouth were closed)but instead a bunch of sand cascaded down on his face. BOY WAS HE EVER MAD. Then he found his other lotion and made sure there was lotion in it before squeezing.
Then Angela and me put some red hot sauce in what was thought to be fruit punch in this guy's glass.
He was screaming, "WATER, WHERE'S THE D*** WATER!!" Angela cracked up.
So that was enough sinister moves for one day. Angela and me went to a movie theater then to water park in the area.
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THE BEATLES - Jim Colyer
John Lennon was the heart and soul of The Beatles. He was the one who wanted to be Elvis. When it was over, he said the only good thing about The Beatles was being bigger than Elvis. John Lennon met Paul McCartney in their hometown of Liverpool, England in 1957. They had something in common. Both were mesmerized by American rock & roll. John covered Chuck Berry. Paul sang Little Richard. A bond formed. They wrote together. George Harrison joined them on lead guitar. George was a student of Carl Perkins and rockabilly. Ringo Starr came last on drums. The Beatles' personalities were such that they fit together to make a whole. John was the brooding intellectual, always questioning himself and others. His wit was razorlike. Paul was politically correct. He was the cute one who wanted to please. George was spiritual and introverted. Ringo was a comedian who got along with everyone. In the beginning, The Beatles dressed alike and looked alike. It was hard to tell them apart. They were regulars at a club in Liverpool called the Cavern. The Cavern is where they were approached by Brian Epstein. Brian became their manager. He got them to London and to George Martin. Martin became their producer. If there was a 5th Beatle, he was it. The Beatles released Love Me Do in October, 1962. Beatlemania ensued. Songs like Please Please Me, From Me To You, She Loves You, I Wanna Hold Your Hand & I Saw Her Standing There drove girls berserk at concerts. The Beatles appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show in America. It was pandemonium. Young people went wild. The Beatles were chased by fans and the press everywhere they went. Records were released on 5 different labels. Albums were solid. Every song was good: You Can't Do That, I Should Have Known Better, I Feel Fine. The Beatles made a movie called A Hard Day's Night which portrayed something of what Beatlemania was. Teenage girls screamed in movie theaters to the point that the dialogue was inaudible. It was The Beatles' look. It was the long hair. It was their sound. The Beatles annihilated everyone in music except Elvis Presley. Even he reeled. It took him awhile to recover.
After 1964, things cooled. The one constant was the music. The Beatles made great records. They recorded Ticket To Ride which John Lennon called the first heavy metal song. They did a second movie, Help! It was a bit silly with its James Bond parody. Being in color took away. A Hard Days Night was in black & white. The Beatles invented the concept album with Rubber Soul. It made rock music an art form. Revolver was released the following year. These were tough times in the United States. The Vietnam War and race riots were out of control. The Beatles were threatened by the Ku Klux Klan. Their touring ended, and they retired to the studio. John Lennon's songs remained the best on Beatle albums but they became morbid in a way which is hard to explain. The idea of death pervaded song after song, even the image of being killed by a gun.
In My Life - Some are dead and some are living
Run For Your Life - I'd rather see you dead
Girl - Will she still believe it when he's dead
We Can Work It Out - Life is very short
Rain - They might as well be dead
Tomorrow Never Knows - Ignorance and hate mourn the dead, It is not dying
She Said She Said - I know what it's like to be dead
This trend continued through Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, Magical Mystery Tour, the White Album, Let It Be and Abbey Road.
Good Morning Good Morning - Nothing to do to save his life
A Day In The Life - He blew his mind out in a car
I Am The Walrus - Dripping from a dead dog's eye, See how they run like pigs from a gun
Yer Blues - Wanna die...If I ain't dead already...Feel so suicidal
Happiness Is A Warm Gun - Bang bang shoot shoot, My finger on your trigger
The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill - What did you kill...Bullet-headed...If to kill was not a sin
Glass Onion - See how the other half live
Revolution #9 - Turn me on, dead man
The Ballad of John & Yoko - They're gonna crucify me...Oh boy, when you're dead
Come Together - Shoot me
In the Rolling Stone interview after the breakup, Lennon was distracted, incoherent. He rejected his Beatle years and never embraced them again. When he did Double Fantasy, he said he did not want to be thought of as a Beatle but as John Lennon whose life was changed by American rock & roll. The theme of death extended into his solo work.
Instant Karma - Pretty soon you're gonna be dead
Cold Turkey - I wish I was dead, Can't see no future
My Mummy's Dead - Title
Working Class Hero - Smile as you kill
Imagine - Nothing to kill or die for
How Do You Sleep? - When they said you was dead
I Don't Want To Be A Soldier - I don't wanna die
John Sinclair - Shooting gooks in Vietnam
Angela - They shot down your man
The Luck of the Irish - Wish you were dead...Death and the glory
We're All Water - If we check their coffins
Sunday Bloody Sunday - When they shot the people...When they nailed the coffin lids
Born In Prison - Die in prison
Attica State - The prisoners did not kill...Watch them die
Woman Is The Nigger Of The World - We kill her will
Intuition - It seemed like suicide
Scared - I just wanna stay alive...Gonna be the death of me
Old Dirt Road - Breezing thru the deadwood
Whatever Gets You Through The Night - A gun to blow your mind.
It was as if John Lennon had a premonition of his death. He was shot and killed in New York City by a deranged fan named Mark David Chapman in December, 1980. He had turned 40 on October 9. Lennon once made the remark that he did not want to work in a factory because he would be dead by 40. There is irony, too, in the hoax about Paul McCartney being dead. The hoax has never been explained. No one has ever claimed responsibilty for the clues that popped up in the music as well as on album covers. John Lennon admitted that he wanted out of The Beatles as early as 1966 but was afraid to leave the group. Indeed, he used his discontent to craft classic Beatle tunes like Revolution and The Ballad of John & Yoko. It was Lennon on the cutting edge. He tried to break down the English language and reform it with nonsense lyrics like those of I Am The Walrus, Hey Bulldog & Come Together. Lennon's songs are superior to McCartney's even though Paul McCartney fans maintain otherwise. In My Life is better than Yesterday. Someone called Lennon a diarist and McCartney a dramatist. It is accurate. Ego was at the center of all Lennon's work. Even during the peace movement, he acted as if he invented peace. McCartney created characters as in Eleanor Rigby and Penny Lane.
When Lennon brought Yoko into the studio, it drove a wedge between him and McCartney. Yoko had no talent. Nor did McCartney's wife, Linda, who accompanied her husband on stage with Wings. It was up to ABBA from Sweden, a country known for sexual equality, to produce a group in which men and women could thrive together. As The Beatles were breaking down, they paved the way for the band which would take rock & roll to its next level. Elvis Presley may never have heard of ABBA. The Beatles created them.
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Well.... today was a normaly day...mostly i jus rpd all day.- Read more...
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My Plans For Valentine's Day
Well, Angela said she wouldn't be on her computer much anymore because Dacity Chat doesn't work. Good! Now I can write down plans for Valentine's Day.
9:00 AM Call Angela and tell her to get ready.
12:00 PM See a very nice movie with Angela.
3:00 PM Go out to eat.. I'm sayin' Tumbleweed or Applebee's.
5:00 PM Give Angela her NEW $1,000 bracelet.
6:00 PM Go to my house and cuddle and watch another movie.
7:00 PM Go to her house and have a good desert.
8:00 PM Go to the mall and look around. Then to Macy's.
9:00 PM Drop her off at her home and give her a romantic kiss and leave.
10:00 PM Go to bed!
We'll skip school.. -_^
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Boys are SO Stupid II
Well, I broke up with Zack today... It was so.. so.. violent in a way. I felt like I was doused in Arctic water.. so cold and sad.. I will never see him again.. he swore to avoid me at all costs.. I hope none of you will have a part in your life where oyu break up violently..
So this means the Gates of Hell are getting closer... I might as well put the Gates of Heaven behind me.. I now have another boyfriend.. Patrick..
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the party
Okay well there was a back to school party at my friend Jason house. Totally osm!!! First me, alicia, jason, and jay ate pizza and started the party. A lot of our friends requested pop rock/ rap songs. And we listened to crazy frog while trashing his house. NO we wern't drinking we just joined in with everyone. Then we had 7 min of heaven alicia and i kissed 7 guys
But any way it was OSM. There was a bunch of punks heard about the party and crashed it!!! luckily jason and jay kicked there butts out, no iffence to those guys but we didnt want them there. Sarah and carlene are goth friends of ours and they were invited though lol. later on in the night when everyone started to get out me, jay, jason, alicia, and 2 couples watched the movie "Saw" so scary but the guys were there for us
(actually no they were scaring us) during the movie we all fell asleep on the couch. In the morning everyone was eating and me and alicia woke up and started watching the movie again. Suprisingly jason asked out alicia and the same for me and jay. Then we went to the mall. It was funny cause some dude was headbanging in our way so we asked him to move then we relised it was vincint!!!! He joined us and we dragged jay, jason, and vincint into aeropostle. They were complaining but we got matching shirts!! After they made us go into hot topic, so we thought it was a challenge so we dragged them into holister. Then we went to the food court jay slipped on soda!!! then we went on the merry go round!!! we almost got sick ;\
After jason took us home but jasons gutair was in the two bak seats so actually vincit drived and we had to sitt on them...and ya it wasnt that comfy over the bumps. Right when we get home they call us, and ask to go out to dinner. They cheep we only went to friendlys...the ice cream was gooood. But anyway then we got home, and alicia and i had a sleep over. this entry is about a week late but w/e. Well uh bye
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I Think I might Break Up With Him ;/
Things w/ Naji ain't doing so well. We don't have that "spark" anymore. He's not calling, and we live 45 minutes away from each other. I just really have an interest in him. I might call him later and if he has an additude, cyah later. Today I had to go to the doctor (it wasn't fun) and I am so tired out! Oh yeah guess what, I got a signed autograph from the ONE and ONLY Adam Sandler. That's probally all the prep I have today. I'm just so wiped out! I'll see yah later.
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(you know what those mean from my old blog)
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