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Guess Who's Back? Back Again!?

The Joker


*Wonders where everyone has gone?*


Uhm, well then.. I guess I have to do the all Angie charm again... -.- *Wiggles her fingers mystically* I can predict the future, ooooooh!

-.o Mmkay, that wasn't funny I guess. Well, I have been continuing my school career... Being an 8th grader, but I was released May 24 so basically, I'm not a 8th grader! I'm a Freshman! Wooo!! Congrates to me! *Hugs 'erself* Now I have my newish... schedule.. Want me to tell you the schedule? Well... OKAY!


1st Period - English 1

2nd Period - Strings Orchestra

3rd Period - Geography & History of the World

4th Period - Phys Ed.

5th Period - Algebra BC

6th Period - French 1

7th Period - (Forgot)


I am kinda addicted to a game called Furcadia on here.. so I might disappear a lot.



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