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My Plans For Valentine's Day

xXxSlim ShadyxXx


Well, Angela said she wouldn't be on her computer much anymore because Dacity Chat doesn't work. Good! Now I can write down plans for Valentine's Day.


9:00 AM Call Angela and tell her to get ready.

12:00 PM See a very nice movie with Angela.

3:00 PM Go out to eat.. I'm sayin' Tumbleweed or Applebee's.

5:00 PM Give Angela her NEW $1,000 bracelet.

6:00 PM Go to my house and cuddle and watch another movie.

7:00 PM Go to her house and have a good desert.

8:00 PM Go to the mall and look around. Then to Macy's.

9:00 PM Drop her off at her home and give her a romantic kiss and leave.

10:00 PM Go to bed!


We'll skip school.. -_^

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