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The bad and worse (then theres cheerleading and school)

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Obviously i have something incredibly wrong with me. Mike..you know i seriously thought he was just the nicest funniest guy ((evvverrr)). Well hes starting to make me feel like hes trash. Today during champions day i saw him like 10000 zillion times but he never once said hi. I was already mad at him cause supposedly hes been checking out a bunch of girls.I WAS UPSET.NICK IS MY BFFL.HE GIVES ME HUGS.MIKE SAW.SO WHAT YEAH I KNOW. So online he goes "look you dont want me checkin out hot girls &



new me.

Nick is obsessed w/ me. Craig and me are friends. I dumped charlie b4 christmas. He bought me a 300 dollar necklace that i didnt get. He gave it 2 his mom. Nick+kristen=ruined my life. Nick dumps kristen. Asked me out over 7 times. Gets annoying so bad. Snuck out w/ chrissy and britt. Grounded for a while. Hating my mommy but luv her. Nicks best friend is mike. Kristen has huge crush on mike && nick. Me and mike r now going out. =] School is almost over. Me and kayla=



whats up

ok..a lot of stuff has happened. let me sum it up.   nick and kristen=in love ewwwwwwww. steve and natalie=finished yaaaaay. me and no 1=happening   i have a crush so yea yay..he prob dun like me but hey whateverrr. report cards are comin soon again i like i have a C in math =(. wow oh well.so yeaaaaaaah alrighty.                 xoxo_alicia



idk at dis point

Okay..i havent posted in a while Let me recap or..w/e! Craig=gone Charlie=<3 Charlie aka Craigs old best friend asked me out 3 hours later after I dumped Craig. Yea..pretty funny if u ask me. We have been goin out since Halloween. I got him the DVD Fever Pitch for Christmas :-D I got my hair highlighted again. Im pretty blonde now >< FYI;Proactive works like a dream. Not one zit! who woulda guessed? Now..some bad stuff...theres this guy rite? I been his friend for a while. I rece




Ok, lets recap my last few weeks....   My stupid self got in a stupiiiiiid relashionship with this stupid guy! We kiss, and suddenly everyones all "oooo alicia slept w/ some1" im like what?! Its so stupid, next thing i flippin find out is that hes been tellin ppl we made out which is gettin me mad! He was expelled for 3 days. okokok, we planned to spend halloween together. then in school he did the "kkk" symbol. that aint kool w/ me AT ALL. whatsoever. so i wanna dump him but hes EXPELLED(w




This is flippin rediculous. Okokok, im posting on the blog k wolfie?! GOSH   cheerleading went good, my stunt group learned to do a liberty and twist up today. yay. i was so happy! then did some blockin in drama. i was boredddddd Myspace thingy was figured out. w00t. im so hungry but no food. can u beilive that? no food. im hungry, whats my mom say? WHAT? "make urself somethin to eat" does she realize i'll burn the house down?! its to late to make anything anyways! goshhhhhhh   -alicia




im sore, im laying in bed completely bored, every few minutes come back, then right back to my bed =(     my cell got 2 new messages when i was gone, and it started ringin off and i jumped so high. I was like "AH WUH CHAW"     im sore becuz of cheerleading, im in pain =( She had us working to hard now im hurtin. Its so stupid. grrrr, it least we ganna look good 4 compitition. we're doing the 1st dance to MC hammer "You cant touch this" and the second dance to "Ciara and missy eleiot ( w.e the




school pix are tomorrow and im stoked. kayla, as u know i picked the thing w/ the anti blemish =)     ugly beasts as myself have their day too =( but i uh, got back from cheerleading, took a shower and straightened my hair. It looks soo gooood <3 Not yet sure what imma wear, probally just a cute t-shirt w/ jeans, nothin fancy this year       sooooo...yea my day went pretty good.     l8ter   -alicia




Like..o my gosh. I woke up this morning..and im not depressed! WHATS GOING ON? After something happened (kayla, u know what im talking about, it has to do w/ the laughing fit ) I can tell alllllready that all of my days are ganna be better. Im so happy. Its like everything that i was soooooooooooo depressed about. . . means nothing. I mean, i feel a little shallow, but i felt that way b4 too! I I mean..this whole post may seem pointless to some people. But this blog is for me. And I havent felt



Does SHOOT ME mean a thing?

Comp is in 3 weeks and im ashamedddddd! My squad is doin wicked bad! i flipped out on some girls like three times tonight. I dont even care. Im so disgusted in how things are going. GRRR       ok, good and bad news GOOD NEWS: The boy i like chose the same book as me in reading. YAY WE HAVE SOMETHING IN COMMON   BAD NEWS: I guess the book sux. We had to pick of the stupidest list. Im reading "surving the applewhites" its so dumb! The cover is so creepy! it reminds me of this girl rachel i kno



2nd post of the day

wow...feeling bad sucks. I hate feelin like I need to scream. im in such a bad mood. I mean...its like...just..grrrrrr im at a point where i dont even know how to handle my stress anymore. Through the last like maybe 2 weeks of depression..only two ppl have comforted me, and many have made it worse. are these days ever ganna get better?     donations stunk. lol, o well, a lil kid made more money than me..thas cause he cornered ppl! lol..funny   well..guess im ganna get off 4 the night     -al



Well here I am again...

Well here I am again..listening to one of my old Good Charlotte CDs thinkin bout the words to the songs. You know...by now, i know every word to almost every song. So not a point of this...Its Sunday morning..and this is what im doing. How boring can I posibally get? For real... Donations went ALRIGHT yesterday after the game (we lost yet AGAIN). Wait, what am i talking about? The donations did not go 'alright' they sucked. Apperantly ppl have been selling packets and asking 4 donations since 6



Whats going on..?

All i remember since before I was old enough to understand what it meant..ppl would always get into conversations about love. Until this very day, i always remember what would always be said. "Love is when you cant imagine life without that person" I've had crushes, and as much as i hate to say it..i can imagine myself alone. I dont really need anyone.I mean-like its not that i dont care about ppl. But no one has actually proved that they love me. Which is alright..because im only 13 years old.



the flippin pain

Ok...well in gym i was totally glad cause during 6 base, i caught this dude Chris's ball. I was like "hahahaha jerky jock i win!" So i was happy right!? Nope...god couldnt stand to see me happy. . . no one could stand to see me happy ever ever ever ever! Then after i/brendon caught a ball (dont ask) Scott kicked. Well the ceiling is huge! ! ! ! So he kicks it, it hits the gym ceiling, comes straight down, i go to catch it and wam. Hits my finger. Now its sprained. How im typing u may ask? PAINF




Welllll...last night i was bored so me and my friend christina went to the movies. I WANTED to see the exorsism of emily rose, but im seein that next week with my cousin. So instead we saw "The brothers Grim" it was a 6 out of 10 in my opinion.   lol...first when we were ordering popcorn & stuff we had a laughing attack. Im like "I want an icee" shes like whats an "iced?" im like "ICEEEEE!" then from there when we were ordering we couldnt keep a straight face. The place was empty, im like "




Camping was soooooo fun!!!   To much happened so imma sum it up 4 anyone whos acrually taken their time for some reason to give a crap about my life. mmk sooooo   me and my cousin go to the campground after a few mishaps we end up only goin w/ our aunt, her bro and her bros gf. So we just look around the campground..u know Next day Greenday concert. Early in the mornin we take showers in the local bathroom. Then jackie straightens my hair. Im like "I feel dizzy" Shes all "alicia sit down" b



mall hahaha

hahaha..my cousin jackie and I went to the mall. It was great. I got a cuteeee jean mini skirt with ruffle things at DEBS. And then we ate at Burtuties (or how ever u spell it). We see some hott dude using the pay phone so we walk over to the pay phone next to him acting like we were makin a call. the SECOND we get there he finishes the call.Its like ROAR! Then we went to a few other stores..then we went to Holister. Theres NOTHINGGGGGG funnier than a boy who works at Holister. Preppy boys are s




Last night I went to an avril lavine concert. There were two opening acts: Butch Walker Gavin Degraw   Butch Walker was hardcore, loud,osm, i loved him! One of his guitarists had a flippin afro! HE WAS OSM. Then Butch sang a kelly clarkson song (since u been gone) sang it hardcore, and ripped it to shreds! It was wicked funny. Half the ppl from the pit left when Gavin Degraw was done...more space 4 me. A little girl who was with her mom (she was one of my moms friends daughters) was soooo cut



Semi fun day

Today I had a semi good day. I went to my friend amandas house. She does cheerleading too. I had to help her w/ some cheers. Of coarse we hadddd to gossip 4 a while! Then we took a walk around some huge place w/ a lot of fancy houses...while gossiping lol. Then we came back to get some money, and walked to a store a lil while away to get slushies. <3 yum! I had lemon limeee style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif. We also got some candy. I got nerds rope. When we got to her house i tried dipping




O yes!! =D cheerleading was cancled like an hour and a half early today cause of the rain! w00tness!!   One of my friends, who was a base 4 our group was replaced 4 two major reasons:   1-Didnt come to practice enuff..hello, thats a NONO! 2-It worked out better w/ the other replacement base we've been having!   Everyone on our stunt group except my friend thought this was a great idea..including myself o_o, she seems soooooooooooo pizzed, but hey w/e. Cheerleading b4 stupid arguements. Besid




Today in cheerleading, we put our flyer into a full extention. IT WAS WICKED OSM! sadly im the backspotter, but when she went allll the way up i saw her towering over me im like "ahhhhhhh" o_o   The half time dance kicks butt. It just annoys me how some girls just arent speaking up when they dont get it. I mean..hello! ur makin us all look bad!   One of the "cool" girls is gettin rejected by her group. She has like no1 to talk to..so i guess i should chat w/ her a lil.   bbl   -alicia



Family cook out

Well..today was the family cook out. Joy -____-. I get there at 10:30, came home around 5:00 ish </3. I think my cousins came around 1:00. So most of the time I was watching some lifetime movie that made me cry. Then my cousin came and we went straight to the pool. I think i stayed in for like 50 seconds maybe? It was freeeeeezing =( I got out and just chilled 4 a while. Then the ppl flooded in. My lil cousin came w/ out my other lil cousin josh. I guess he was in Maine.Which was 100 % not fa




Yesterday was the Jamboree, the Jamboree is like a pre-game..only an hour long. Well let me tell u sumthin..we got our butts kicked. It was quite funny. Always been a lousy team!   Us cheerleaders rocked tho style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif! Some girls were being bossy but i guess thats okay..since one girl on our team is ganna have a talk with the coaches <3     -Alicia-



Excuse her?

Excuse her, this girl on my cheerleading team,asked me for help. Once I helped her she turns on me. I go over to say hi to her and 4 other girls and she pushes me away. Shes like "you werent invited over here" So im like "Did I have to be?" So shes like "actually yea." So i said "_______ why dont u grow up?" And she didnt say anything. So I went back with my own friends. But seriously, gowd how rude. Then l8ter with some snobs on our team that sorta respect me on the feild. (they hate her) She a



Well whos screwed now?

Well..where o where can I start? I know. Oh I know! Girls. Its quite funny, all the "little miss perfects" are breaking out. Its halarious, the girls with the skin the whole school wanted are breaking out. What makes it even funnier is that they have no idea what to do! This one girl thats a real jerk has like a scar thing on her face from popping like 3 zits that were mega close. But it seems like each day they brake out w/ one more zit. I know its not good to laugh at others pain..but I coul



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