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Today I had a semi good day. I went to my friend amandas house. She does cheerleading too. I had to help her w/ some cheers. Of coarse we hadddd to gossip 4 a while! Then we took a walk around some huge place w/ a lot of fancy houses...while gossiping lol. Then we came back to get some money, and walked to a store a lil while away to get slushies. <3 yum! I had lemon limeee style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif. We also got some candy. I got nerds rope. When we got to her house i tried dipping the nerds rope in the slush..IT RUINED THE SLUSH ANNNNNNNNND THE CANDY =(. But i still ate both anyway lol XD.

Hm..then we went in her pool. After i got out to eat some cookies she pushed me back in. Its soooo hard to stay mad at this girl >.<..Then after drying off a lil bit i got some clothes on and we waited 4 supper. I tried to help pick out a first day outfit with her. It was sorta fun. Then supper was ready. Chicken Parm x3333. Then happy trails i went home. I had a pretty over all good day.




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