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My ReFlection

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Hokay, what a day so...

What a day I am so very tired my entire body hurts.   We went bowling. I am tired and in pain.   But I did have fun all in all lots of fun fun fun.   I am happy to be home. I am waiting on Jay to take his shower etc....   Also waiting on Julie. We are going out to eat tonight and I think play more poker.   I am learning the game it is kinda fun.   Today has been a very fun day. Tonight I need to relax.   Jay was so much fun last night and he even stayed over yay me hee hee he lo

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose


I am so thankful and yet a little down today.   Feeling a little blue today because this is my very first thanksgiving away from my family. This year we are all spread apart first time ever for me and I am sad and I miss my family.   I love the fact that I am here with my sister and this is my home now but I can not help it but to miss the other members of my family. Happy my brother is here that is really sweet really happy so see him.   God keeps me strong.   God showers me with His love.

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose


Things have been really busy today and I am just so glad to be home finally.   I am sooooo thankful right now that I handed in all my work that was due finally it is all in the hands of my prof.(s).   That reduces some of the stress I still have a a Biology exam tomorrow. I am so scared about, because his test are really difficult. I feel he does this on purpose.       Good news...Thanksgiving is almost here, and so is my break from school if only for a few days. YAY ME! More Good news...

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

Its love, its love, its love...

Its love, its love, its love…     Its love, its love, its love- I am going crazy, I am going mad;   Its so sensuous, its kind of awesome and blithe to be in love, to be in your thoughts;   Its love, its love, its love- I am going crazy, I am going mad;   When I miss you, my heart feels the heat; When I am with you, every moment becomes sweet;   Its love, its love, its love- I am going crazy, I am going mad;   Sans you my days become lengthier, so do my nights turn out to

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose


nature     nature let life show it's beauty, the nature's beauty, I cannot separate from nature for we shall find true personal nature in our souls. I love nature, not a single creature miss one possilble bliss, and this I love nature I know this is not wit, this is not to be clever, or anything whatever, you are lord of, Lord if anyone is lord of nature, Is you the Creator?   maxim muyu    

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

Nice Night Last Night

Even though I am stressed from school I managed to have a really nice Saturday with Jay and J and C.   We had a late night BBQ, went into the hot tub and sat under the stars.   Must study today/tonight and finish up HWK.   Monday and Tuesday will be bears I must deal with at uni.   I will be able to finally breathe soon enough and I am looking forwards to breathing.   Right now I am happy and stressed at the same time seems my emotions are everywhere so when I get too stressed I think ab

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

Finally some cooler days ahead

Finally it seems mother nature has decided to cool us down I was up really early this morning (something I tend to fight alot - I am not a morning person) and I went into the hot tub.   I had smooth jazz playing and candles burning and me soaking in the hot tub.   Oh the quiet the morning brings.   I feel very relaxed.   I spoke to Jay on the phone last night we had a great talk.   My friend from school also called me hee hee and I talked to him and we also had a nice conversation.

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose


It was 5:00 am and I was awoken by the pain in my mouth the drugs finally wore off I guess so I headed to the kitchen to get my motrin.   So taking the um half of this Friday is all mine to relax later I will see about school work honestly if at all.   Edit: Feeling better earlier so I headed off to Best Buy and purchased Family Guy Vol. 4 for my sister plus 2 Laura Pausini CD's. I am tired but right now feeling better, so work is calling I need to get stuff done my room etc......   Tonight

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

Mother Nature

She is so beautiful and so terrifying she is all in all amazing.   I have a thing with tornadoes as of late I find them mystifying.   I would love to chase them one day.   http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j295/HaloGal_photos/misc/e33e55cf1a26afa68c8224bdfb6c6002.jpg   http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j295/HaloGal_photos/misc/a58a269fda2adec2abecf2314403c7ea_rs.jpg   http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j295/HaloGal_photos/misc/weather20storms20-20tornados20140.jpg

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose


It was just nice to have a couple really nice things happen today. I needed that. so im glad. yay   First thing my exam went well oh my I am sure I passed it so happy with the exam and I am happy due to the fact that it was my last one for the week.   Also in class this morning he was there all so sexy oh my I get the butterflies in my stomach silly I know but that is how he makes me feel.   Oh my even with the pain I was still feeling with my tooth.   My heart was all utterly twitterpate

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

My Tooth Update

Still in pain but great news I called my dentist and she just returned my call and she can see me tomorrow morning as an emergency.   Thank God!!!!   I'm having quite the bad day today, but this is great news.   Jay called me I can barly talk hurts so we got on MSN to chat and that also made me feel better um now I have to study for my exam it is going to interesting keeping my head from exploding tonight.     "There is none dwelling in the house but God. When a man is awakened he melts and

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

My Throbbing Tooth

Today the pain is there for sure reminding me of what needs to be done a root canal although I am thinking of having it pulled.   As I sit here and write this I am in pain oh my the throbbing. Ugh my throbbing tooth I so hate you right now I want you gone one way or another.   I managed to get my exam outta the way this morning plus other important things that needed to reach my profs. hands, but I had to leave and come home.   Thank God .... Thank God for home.   I am in luck that my pro

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

A Quiet Place...

Finally I am home and I am enjoynig the quiet.   I spent some hours at the campus library with my study group went to my classes and now home. I took a long bubble bath oh my they are so relaxing.   It just seemed as though I would never see my house again one of those days.   I did not want to wake up this morning my tooth was throbbing again took like 6 bayers and finally relief.   I need to see the dentist again I do have another apt. to see her yuk!   I'm kind of pissed. Hate doctors h

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

It has been real nice but....

I feel the need to stay away for a week or so maybe I do enjoy writing on here oh my I just wrote what I wrote LOL I surprised myself.   Midterms have to be my #1 priority for now we will see eh.   Julie and C will be arriving at 10:00 pm lucky um I do not have to pick them up from the airport.   They decided on a taxi yeah me K I so do not feel like going to MIA.   I am going to eat my dinner in a few mmmm I can smell it (it is cooking in the oven) yum eh.   I guess watch FG and AD and h

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

First Date

ahhh I am happy, our meal last night went well, bit edgy to start with but all in all it went well and the food was great.   The company was great we ended up laughing hysterically at each other as per usual (I love that I can make him laugh) and then he kept holding my hand cheesy style over the table.     Afterwards we took a long walk the pub restaurant is very close to our campus and that area has really nice walkways.   We walked and sat on a bench to talk some more about life etc.....

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose


The guy from school and I have been talking on the phone and in class we are sitting together really getting to know exach other. We have talked about everything.     I am seeing a lot of him lately, we are going out finally... tonight oh my!   Goin out for a meal, eep am nervous. Its like a proper date.   Dunno if I willl be overdressed, its a pub restaurant.   I plan on wearing a fancy satin top. I wonder what he will be wearing. I hope he hasn't gone overboard. eeeeep. but I cant w

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose


ONE:     One SONG can spark a moment One FLOWER can wake the dream One TREE can start a forest One BIRD can herald spring One SMILE begins a friendship One HANDCLASP lifts a soul One STAR can guide a ship at sea One WORD can frame the goal One VOTE can change a nation One SUNBEAM lights a room One CANDLE wipes out darkness One LAUGH will conquer gloom One STEP must start each journey One WORD must start a prayer One HOPE will raise our spirits One TOUCH can show you care One VOI

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose


http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j295/HaloGal_photos/Sexy%20Men/ogmotivation1.jpg   http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j295/HaloGal_photos/Sexy%20Men/po.jpg   http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j295/HaloGal_photos/Sexy%20Men/ftime.jpg   http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j295/HaloGal_photos/Sexy%20Men/3043405886.jpg    

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

Good luck. Was that a vent?

I can not wait until Thanksgiving break on the 21st.   But I have a couple more weeks to survive!   Wish me luck!!   Dare I say my papers are done and all set to be handed in on Monday.     Registeration day will soon be peeping its ugly head once again oh my and back to meeting with my advisor.   Last time I went to the wrong place to meet with my advisor, but at least now I know exactly where to go and who to see for next semesters classes.   Wow this semester is (my very first one) a

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose


I know you keep a journal and every page is rippled     From the tears that you cry, ain't no meanin' to your scribble     Cause words can't describe what you've been feeling inside     It's like thousand foot walls, and they're still on the rise     But look up to a beautiful sound     And see for yourself you're not that far down     And know this, I cannot love a little     My promise to you is unconditional  

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose


I took a two hour nap and my meds are kicking in so I will have dinner which will consist of ramen soup.   I must work on my paper tonight.   I must finish this tonight. *fingers crossed*   I do not want to get behind in my studies once this week is over.   I am going to be so exhausted.. ugh.   I can't wait until this term is over.   It is almost there so very close.   I want my sanity back.    

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

Oh! the Pain

I managed to finish one of my research papers late last night and with a huge tooth ache.   I did not go to class headed to the dentist office very early this morning I was the first one there oh my thank you Lord I was taken cared of in such short notice.   It is my nerve that is the cause of the pain and I may need a root canal oh my I so hate this the pain and the money it will cost.   The health insurance I do have does not cover dental.   I was in her office for three very long hours.

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose


I will now get back to writing my research papers.   I have procrastinated enough and I am almost completly done especially with one of them and these papers are worth a huge chunk of my grade.   K enough time to work.   Good Night.

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

On being Chichi.

Saw this else where and I liked it so:       On being Chichi.   On being Chichi. The official dictionary definition of Chichi is "Ostentatiously stylish; deliberately chic." (american heritage dictionary). But I think of chichi in a different way. It's more about having the ostentatious courage to be who I truly am. To embrace my style, to allow myself to have a creative voice, and to be fully me. Perhaps some people have thought I was trying to be "deliberately chic", and thus squelched me fo

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

A boy came up to talk to me!

Oh my and I looked terrible today (my tooth hurts) and I was dressed in sweats with my hair up oh my a mess, so I left class and as I was walking across campus (all I could think of was a LARGE coffee!), he came up and said hi.   Awww! A boy from my class came up to me and said hi, not just ya know, this is cute.   We talked casually as we walked outta class he asked me about my weekend so yes I told him what went on etc........   He walked with me for awhile, then had to head off to his

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

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