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Nice Night Last Night

Mystic Rose


Even though I am stressed from school I managed to have a really nice Saturday with Jay and J and C.


We had a late night BBQ, went into the hot tub and sat under the stars.


Must study today/tonight and finish up HWK.


Monday and Tuesday will be bears I must deal with at uni.


I will be able to finally breathe soon enough and I am looking forwards to breathing.


Right now I am happy and stressed at the same time seems my emotions are everywhere so when I get too stressed I think about what an awesome night I had last night.


Writings things down here and at OD has truly helped me plus the other things I am doing to get myself outta my shell. I owe so much to my sister who has been there to help me out with so many things hee hee even with our dad.


Glad to see that my brother will be here for the holiday.


It is so hard to get everything done!


But at least I have managed to get things cleaned up and organized again I am happy.


Oh and speaking of happy C is making me a desk (this man has a great talent for making furniture etc....) so that I can have it in my room along with his pc which will be mine soon since he is getting a new pc for himself.


Happy can not express my feelings here. :popcorn:


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