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HaS mY LiFe SuDdEnLy GoNe DoWnHiLl?

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Black is Back

Guess who's back... Back again... Shady's back.... Tell a friend.   Well, basically, I keep forgetting about this place... Kids-Online and Dacity. Heh, don't kill me!   Now I am back, possibly every day now. I have completed my Freshman year and I am now a Sophmore. I dun feel so special.   If anyone has questions... PM me? I guess?

The Joker

The Joker

Guess Who's Back? Back Again!?

*Wonders where everyone has gone?*   Uhm, well then.. I guess I have to do the all Angie charm again... -.- *Wiggles her fingers mystically* I can predict the future, ooooooh! -.o Mmkay, that wasn't funny I guess. Well, I have been continuing my school career... Being an 8th grader, but I was released May 24 so basically, I'm not a 8th grader! I'm a Freshman! Wooo!! Congrates to me! *Hugs 'erself* Now I have my newish... schedule.. Want me to tell you the schedule? Well... OKAY!   1st Period

The Joker

The Joker

Bored... ????? What the?

hey, just checking in before i hit the long road back to being a dormant Em.. so... how have ya'll been? I have been well, cheering for my Colts to win against the NE Pats.. They did it though!! Now they have to take a shot gun to the Bears and kill em next!   I have been rather bored past 23 days of the month of January.. hoping it would snow for at least ONE snow day outta school! My personal life has been taken a blow.. Patrick died in a car accident, he was killed by a drunkee.. I saw pics

The Joker

The Joker


Gosh! I've been away too long!   It's almost Christmas time!! AHHHHH! Well, at least I know a few gifts my dad got me.. It's the newest Ipod Shuffle!! It's a wee thing.   I've been bombarded with homework these past few days, finals coming up..   Freaking bored...   Well..   Bye.....   People..........

The Joker

The Joker

Bored... As always..

Ah, hello.. I'm bored... Listening to my brother play Final Fantasy XII Very dramatic..   I think I just wasted 2 minutes of me life writing to ye..

The Joker

The Joker

Lay My Head Down and Go To Sleep

Right now, I wanna go to bed.. I have SUCH A HEADACHE!!!   I got a new DS game, Sims 2 Pets.. Kind've.. boring.. My Nintendogs if better than it..   We had a veterans day program at our school, it was nice.. we had Naval colorguards there. My dad served in the navy as a second class petty officer and my uncle served in the army and took part in the Vietnam War.   I am typing lazily because I AM SLEEPY..   Goodnight..  

The Joker

The Joker

School Report

School as of now if kind've confusing. Our English teacher said if we fail his classon the 1st and 2nd semesters that we would flunk 8th grade.   In Ag. Science Mr. Crew's had to move into another room due to voting.. So we watched Over the Hedge.   In S.S. we are studying the Revolutionary War. Augh.. Annoying.. we have to do assignments over the Declaration of Independence...   In Science we are studying how life was formed.. ><   Strings? We are like playing 6 to 7 songs fo

The Joker

The Joker

Nothing New to Report

So far in my life there is nothing new to report.. My dad is retiring.. I'm seriously in love. I am miserable in school.. (My school sucks) Either I am happy about the Washington D.C. Trip and a fundraiser I have to turn in or not. I just wanna pay the $367 fee and go.. >>   So far I am sickly. I have strep throat. Huh, funny, I used to not be able to spell throat. I am currently pi**ed off because I can't burn cds on this computer my dad got from my uncle.   So all is well, I'

The Joker

The Joker


I had a really good Halloween! I went to Hellhouse and went around town and got about 3 bags of candy!! How was your Halloween? Spooky, Terrifying or Fun? (Don't tell me you Tp'd someones house either)

The Joker

The Joker


Tuesday, 6:50 PM EST     Hello, today was mostly good. Tracy and me went to T.G.I Fridays as soon as I got home from school. My dad was working on his truck.. He knew where I was going. I went to the mall had a lot of fun and made out.. I didn't mean to say that We might go to Lake Monroe in a bit, watching Click right now.

The Joker

The Joker

FFA Creed

In my Ag Science class I have to memorize a paragraph of the FFA Creed.   So I'm writing it down to see if I got it.   I believe in a future of Agriculture, with a faith born not of words but of deeds - achievements won of present and past generations of agriculurists; in a promise of better days through better ways even as the better things we now enjoy have come to us from the struggles of former years.     (Checks the paper)     YAY I GOT IT!!!

The Joker

The Joker

Weekends RULE

Okay, lat weekend I had a three day weekend.. (Teacher Inservice) Then like this week we had Spirit Week.. Wacky Hair day/Wacky Tie and 80's day and Jersey Day and Red Black and white day then AGAIN we have ANOTHER three day weekend!! It is Aministrative Inservice day..     HOORAY FOR THESE DAYS!   Now is only Halloween had a day off for us..  

The Joker

The Joker

Unusual Morning?

Today was very weird.   Today, in 4th Period Shop, we were listening to Mr. Tarr speak and all of a sudden.. The Fire alarm goes off.. (A Routine Check) Well, we go outside in the freezing rain and weather and wait for the okay to go back inside. Well, 15 minutes later it went of AGAIN.. We all waited to see if they would come on the intercom and tell us it was a mistake but heard nothing... Mr. Tarr said to go outside but then he changed his mind as half of his class walked outside and we

The Joker

The Joker


Okay, here is an update on my life as of today.   I am currently 14 years old in 8th grade living in Indiana.   I have lived in Indiana all my life and I have never ever left the state in my life. I have three brothers and one sister. The all live near me. I have an Uncle and Aunt who live near the border of Ohio and Indiana. I have a cousin who lives near Muncie, Indiana. You type her name in a search engine- Katie Hacker and it will show you her name. (Also if you do that for Images sea

The Joker

The Joker


Why are most boys so... weird?? Alway messing around all the time.. Annoying.. In computer class right now I am sitting beside two of them who are acting very stupid at this very moment.. >> One is my OLD crush..

The Joker

The Joker

Washington D.C.

In May of 2007 the whole eighth grade at my school are going on a trip to Washington D.C. We are to visit monuments and stay in a hotel and even go to the white house! Also, no parents.. We are to leave at 6:00 pm on May 8 and come back at 2:00am on May 12!! YAY!

The Joker

The Joker


What ^? Lol.. I'm talking like Tracy.. >< I just think he'se weird.. in a HAWT way.. Me and him went to Dick's Sporting goods yesterday.. and he got like billions of basketball stuff..

The Joker

The Joker

Birthdays and Crap

Okay, so all of you may know this but my birthday is on Friday, right? Well, get this... THERE IS A FRICKEN DANCE ON MY BIRTHDAY!! I wish it was October 31 Also, .... I forgot what else.. :\ Hmm..   Oh yes.. Obviously, I have a NEW bf.. Daniel was being a bastard.. accusing me of going out with Patrick.. HOW? He lives in the UK!! >< Why is the world so cruel!!?? My brother lives with my dad and me now.. He is a selfish idiot.. Bringing his girlfriend here.. She has no goddamn per

The Joker

The Joker

I Owe Ya'll And Explanation

I just hate computers.. Far back in April or May the computer crashed ONCE again so we were fretting over it for a while. Then I yes I eventually forgot that we had one!! >> Yeah right. So FINALLY my dad came up outta the blue and FIXED it!! Just like THAT!... So now everyone probably forgot about ol' AngieWolf. >> (I know a lot about computers and web servers that my ol' daddy o') I'm trying to create a very nice chatroom now... So .   ALSO, does anyone know of a good pla

The Joker

The Joker


Yay! This was a day to remember!! All my life I wanted to go to Disneyland. Today my wish was fulfilled! I am so happy. Now I know what they mean by, "Happiest Place on Earth"!

The Joker

The Joker

Daytona Beach + School's Out

Okay, I'm in Daytona Beach on my laptop here and enjoying myself. Supposedly swimming but cuddling with Daniel. Ahem, well I didn't mention this right away but school is out here in my neck of the woods, GC, Indiana, and I am now an eighth grader!!! BOOYA! Love it! It feels good to be a Thunderbird. Like now I get to use the RED LOCKERS!! I don't remember my classes though.. I need to get another schedule. I wonder how? Maybe at re-registration.

The Joker

The Joker

Daniel J. Mathers III

Okay, I split up with Patrick because he is moving to London.. God damnit.. :\ But I had this secret liking for on of his friends.. Daniel.. So we are in a relationship

The Joker

The Joker

Patrick At Meh School!!

Okay, I was at school on Friday.. So during lunch I got an envelope from the Guidance Office from someone I knew from school y' know? Well, I opened it and there was a beautiful locket that had a glittering Sapphire and Amethyst (Mine and Patrick's birthstones) I opened it and there was a picture of Patrick and me hugging!! I read the note and it said.. "After school go to one of the school sheds and knock on the door." I was like.. What? So after school I called home to say that there

The Joker

The Joker

Orchestra Concert

Yesterday, I had an orchestra concert at my school.. It was fun.. but it could've been better. The JR. High division had around 5 songs to play.. all of them very difficult to play so I'm still worn out. I had my picture taken before the concert.. Below. I look very different from my other pictures so don't avoid me please.     LinksSystem2_1_4.zip          

The Joker

The Joker

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