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Unusual Morning?

The Joker


Today was very weird.


Today, in 4th Period Shop, we were listening to Mr. Tarr speak and all of a sudden.. The Fire alarm goes off.. (A Routine Check) Well, we go outside in the freezing rain and weather and wait for the okay to go back inside. Well, 15 minutes later it went of AGAIN.. We all waited to see if they would come on the intercom and tell us it was a mistake but heard nothing... Mr. Tarr said to go outside but then he changed his mind as half of his class walked outside and we had to call them back in.. Then Mr. Frank, our Principal, came on the intercom and said it was a malfunction..


Yeah right! I think it was a Lever Happy Kid! I almost got trampled!!! >> But then meh Boyfriend shielded me and kept me warm... ^_^


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