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HaS mY LiFe SuDdEnLy GoNe DoWnHiLl?

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Darkness Has... Returned..

To everyone.. I have grave news.. I have turned to my damn dark side again so I will be pissed of at everyone who talks to me.. So watch all of yo' fuckin' mouths and Pardon my French.. e_e

The Joker

The Joker

Miss You!

I'm just writing something in case Patrick comes on here on his Laptop.   PATRICK! I miss you! You have been gone for to long.. I want to hear your voice again... I've been leaving messages at your house.. Like 24 of them are from me..

The Joker

The Joker

Showin' Off!

Whooo!! Boy was I frightened today. We went to Bloomington and we went shopping for an hour and before we went home, we went to Big Lots. I kept hearing the siren in Bloomington warning us of a Tornado that was spotted in Vernal Pike just behind Big Lots, the people told us to go to the back of the store to wait till the Tornado was gone or something. Shortly after, we learned that it was just a funnel shape in the clouds, but no ground touch. So whew!! No tornado. Don't you feel sorry fo

The Joker

The Joker

New Car, New Week

Okay, Spring Break is over.. Now tomorrow we have to go back to darn old school.. I got a Digital Camera.. It takes Video.. Webcam.. And still pictures.. Cheapo $16. I got to see The Shaggy Dog wit my bf. I had Strep Throat.. THEN I got to drive a 1992 Mercury Cougar.. (Only backwards and forwards) DUDE.. It's TURBO CHARGED.. V8 Engine.. FAST. The picture is below.. The red and silver?/white truck is the Chevrolet my dad owns. We are going to have a big storm in a few minutes or hours..

The Joker

The Joker

Spring Break!

Hi all!! Today is Friday!! Oh yeah!! No school till April 3!! I don't know what I'm going to do though.. I spent much of my class time scetching a wolfdog or wolf.. Or husky.. Whatever.. I'll show you on the bottom of this post. Over break I might go down to Miami or something with my boyfriend.. If not then I might be at my house looking up on ya'll.. At the last period at school, we sat and watched some people take part in our annual talent show.. Weird stuff. We also got to see

The Joker

The Joker

Okay, wake up call

Well, like in my last post it has still been pretty dull. I have been missing my boyfriend.. I don't have really anything to write about except asking WHY won't people put comments in my blog.. I DON'T BITE!! I am really nice if you want to know. Oh, and since I live in Indiana, we got about 8 inches of snow.. It closed school yesterday...         LinksSystem2_1_3.zip

The Joker

The Joker


Okay, over the past few weeks it has been pretty dull, Patrick went to Tennessee.... And won't be back till my Spring Break... So complain, .

The Joker

The Joker

Helpers!! And I mean with a Problem!

Okay, I need help. What should me and my boyfriend do on Easter? Any help is fine.. I'm just confuzzled here.. my friend said we should go somewhere nice, like a restaraunt.. Reply to this Blog!!   Okay.. Start..... NOW! I don't care who it is!

The Joker

The Joker

Whooo HOO!

I finally updated my Personal pic.. the ones in the post below are VERY old. These are new ones. I had a very romantic date with Patrick But I won't Go there.....     I am very attached to a rapper now.. His name is Eminem.. That's his rapper name. So don't complain.

The Joker

The Joker

Valentine's Day Swoon!

Okay! I get to go out with my boyfriend to TWO dances. One on Valentine's Day, and one on February 17!! This is the guy I'm going out with. Otherwise known as Patrick. Or on here xXxSlim_ShadyxXx. I saw his plans. and I'm next to him. Do you think we make a cute couple?

The Joker

The Joker

Hello Peoples!!

Welcome back!! ... What you aren't going to say hi to my long lost nick? Oh.... okay.. *Sniffle* I'll.. I'll just go cry in this corner here...

The Joker

The Joker

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