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My ReFlection

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It my thing

I am so hooked on YouTube oh my love that place.   I am on there right now as I write.   I have been working at the vets office once again I am learning new things --- the kind of things that only life can teach you --- the things you can not learn in any text book.   I have tomorrow off.   So I plan on going to bed late and waking up late.   Jay called me earlier we talked for a while he is so cute.   We are making plans for this weekend hopefully he will be spending Christmas over here w

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

Not much

It is my turn to cook dinner um think I will get on that right now.   J is killing me with our blogging bet so I will be back later maybe I guess it all depends on when Jay calls me   Um K Later.

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

I have now met the parents oh my

I have now met Jay's parents oh my   This afternoon was exciting to meet them oh my they are so very nice. It was great.   We had a real nice lunch all cuban food.   His mom was REALLY nice and his whole family seemed pretty cool. Very down to earth.   His dad made a few corny jokes oh I also met his grandmother. Um la abuella. LOL not sure if that is how you spell it.   I am learning new words in spanish everyday.   Jay later told me that I was the first person to meet all of his

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

NO More Confusion

I have no more confusion.   Jay and I are now officially dating.   We talked about our feelings for each other last night while he was here oh my I am still spinning.   Jay is now my boy-friend!   Yay I am happy.   Oh my gosh!   Last night was pure heaven. I am no longer confused as to my feeling for Jay.   K that is the big news.

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

Glad it is Friday

Glad it is Friday wow I have had a very long week.   Seems like it would never come to an end.   Went to uni to see about my grades and I am happy. A 3.9 gpa for my first semester in uni.   I worked very hard.   K I am bored.   I am surfing the internet and yes my butt is numb.   I am also waiting on Jay to come over we are going to have dinner together.   Watch a movie from Netflix.   J and C are out for the night so it will be Jay and me alone oh my.   I am really hungry.   Th

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

The End

I had to get to class today and it was pouring outside.   So I had my Lit final today and it was easy as pie.   The test stated at 8:00 am and I was out of there in 40 minutes.   So I finished my test first and I went to see about my grades in my other classes.   I have done really well. I still need to see about my Bio grade.   I will have to see my prof tomorrow.   So the end has come and I am glad I worked so very very hard.   I am still working on call at the vets.   Checking some

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose


Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive body and well preserved body, but to skid in sideways - Charddonnary in one hand - chocolate in the other - body used up, worn out and screaming .... "WOO HOO, What a Ride."

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

Ghost House A Robert Frost poem

Ghost House   A Robert Frost poem   I dwell in a lonely house I know That vanished many a summer ago, And left no trace but the cellar walls, And a cellar in which the daylight falls, And the purple-stemmed wild raspberries grow.   O'er ruined fences the grape-vines shield The woods come back to the mowing field; The orchard tree has grown one copse Of new wood and old where the woodpecker chops; The footpath down to the well is healed.   I dwell with a strangely aching h

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

The end comes this week

of my semester at uni of course.   I had a lab final today went well.   All papers are handed in waiting to see my grades.   Again I am tired my neck and shoulders are in pain at the moment.   I feel good today my state financial aid money has arrived. I am an official Floridian now gag!!!!   Will help me in so many ways.   Pays to get good grades.     My butt is numb...   I have been at my desk studying if I study on my bed I fall asleep and C is in the kitchen making dinner.   I ca

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

Feeling Rested

I did get extra sleep this weekend. I feel great.   Refreshed.   I saw Jay again today we had fun and I actually studied.   I am just waiting for the end of the semester.   I am really stressed just thinking about the fact that tomorrow is Monday. Oh back to class/exams.   Oh my I need to stop thinking.   Oh American Dad is starting.   I could use a few laughs.   Night All.................          

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose


Nobody Author unknown   Nobody Seems to really care How much longer She can bare.   Nobody knows How she's lost hope And how she's Struggling to cope.   Nobody sees The damage she's done To herself Waiting to be gone.   Nobody hears Her crying at night Praying To finally reach the Light.

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose


Sleep finally I know what sleep is thank GOD!   Lately I've been having a rough time. School has been a bear.   Sleep was so good I woke up late oh my I have not slept in in a very long time.   K I am going to have lunch with Jay (a late lunch) we are going to Chilis.   Yummy!!!!   I want ribs.   Plus I get to spend time with Jay. We have not seen each other in days.   Mostly talking on the phone.   I think I will take this one day to do nothing school realted.   Oh my who am I kidding.

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

Almost Over

Still stressing out but it is almost over.   My first semester at uni is almost finished whew what a ride. I do need to get off now.   I honestly shouldnt be on here right now.   But as I write I eat my burger lol and I am once again wearing my santa hat.   Makes me all warm.   I need the sleep. Taking naps mostly while I stay up to study. FINALS!!!!!   I was up until 4 am almost last night and the night before an so on.............   My entire body is exhausted.   I take my uni educ

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose


K I know I did well in my final today.   I studied hard.   K Today just started out bad... I woke up from a freaky dream to a pounding headache.   I am sure it is a stress headache.   When I finaly got out of bed to take something for my head, I started sneezing from allergies!   All my sneezing just made just made my head hurt so much more pounding!   It has lasted for most of the day.   I am home now took more pills so I am just trying to relax just a little till I have to go study.

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose


K made it home okay wow the rain just would not stop.   Possible another cold front on it way down here mmmm we will see.   School well insert scream here _______________.   I have to study hardcore for my finals.   I need to hold on it is almost the end of the semester.   I'll probably be up ALL night tonight...   I miss sleeping.   I do try to get a cat nap here and there did late this afternoon as the rain continued to pour.   Finals tomorrow.   Wish me luck!  

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose


Um I have not been feeling all that great.   I feel a little like Kelly Bundy in that my brain has already reached its full capacity of knowledge; it will hold no more.   And now any new knowlege deletes the old knowlege. LOL.   Unbelievable.   I have sat down to study and study some more (sick and all that I am) thank God it is already Dec. 3.   Therefore, I have been studying all day. I eventually had to get out of my room because I couldn't concentrate any longer.   I went to take a

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose


As you all can tell I am in no mood to come up with a entry title.   I am sooooo stressed out right now.   I haven't gotten a good night sleep in a couple days.   I need to sleep.   I will be going to bed soon early and I am taking some pills to help me sleep.   Over the counter stuff.   I am out of options.   The fibromyalgia (flares up) that is the problem.   I do not want to talk about it.   Only that it keeps me up all night!   I have to re-write a paper, or make many changes

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

This Evening

This evening brings more studies but first dinner of pizza yummy as I sit here in my santa hat typing, eating, and watching some TV while my sister is playing her Sims 2 on the other pc.   Random I am and I will continue to be see that is just who I am.   I need the other pc soon I have my work saved up there so as soon as I am off here I need to kick Julie off.   Tired.     I went to bed around 11:15pm last night... and woke up at 5:15am this morning because I had a strange dream.   Do

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

Today yet another day

Hooked up with my study group earlier today went well.   Did my homework/study.   Dinner will be at 7:15 tonight.   I have noticed that the time posted on my entries are all wrong.   Haaaahahahaa. I'm so funny.   Not to mention, completely out of it.   Sleepy.   Stressed OUT!   No, I don't know why.   I just know.   It's that simple.   Hershey's Kiss... why is it called a "kiss"?   Kisses aren't pointy.   Sweet chocolate how do I love thee.   I will write, I will write, I w

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

meh too tired

This week is going to prove VERY busy oh my I am so tired.   All kinds of stuff must be done still and then finals.   Things have been going pretty good lately. I'm doing well in school, and im happy about that all my hard work has been worth it.   My room is a disaster. Will have to wait too tired I just do not care right now really if it looks like a bomb went off in my room.   I am becoming a Facebook addict.   I am opening myself up.   I talked to Jay earlier before I logged on h

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

A few more pictures.

A few more pictures before I go into the night to study and do my homework.   http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j295/HaloGal_photos/misc/dstr.jpg   http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j295/HaloGal_photos/misc/8e46f188e805a5616979d245431aceb4.jpg   http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j295/HaloGal_photos/misc/womaninstockingsoncouch-1.jpg   http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j295/HaloGal_photos/misc/596d6611f006d3ed7a816969e67fbb90_rs.jpg

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

Monday oh Monday

Uni I went earlier than usual today. Oh my way earlier. I am really very sleepy and very tired having trouble focusing on the keyboard.   My mind is mushy.   What an ugly day so cloudy and the rain. Brings me down these kind of days.   I am also sad um I blame it on the holidays and the fact that I am so far away from the rest of my family. I cried this morning.   Um I want to switch it here. I love to sit on a bench or just about anywhere I can find a spot on one of the many uni campus

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

Artistic Pictures

Ok still vegging out but soon I need to get up and take a shower, dress, and call Jay up he should be home. I just want to hear his beautiful voice. Oh my!   These pictures I like so I am posting a few and no I did not take any of them, but I do find them very artistic.   http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j295/HaloGal_photos/misc/6ec724796af5dee90aa98c27de14926c.jpg   http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j295/HaloGal_photos/misc/6896fefb5d3fb4ad554ef49a0ed38fa1.jpg   http://i83.photobucket.c

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

All good things must come to an end I guess ... so

Ok so where to start um our brother left this morning sad now I really hate goodbyes.   Jay also left this morning again I am sad. But I get to see him again tonight he is coming by to watch FG/AD with us so happy again.   Jay we had a long talk last night along with lots of hugging and sweet kisses. *squeee * He makes me happy we talked about just dating each other and no one else wow this threw me   Funny I am sitting here wearing a Santa hat woot! woot!   We got all of the Christmas

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

Having a good ol time!

Ahh, this weekend has been so great!   And it is not over, but I did need my sleep. Glad to have been able to catch up on my sleep.   Jay is stayin with me all weekend. hee hee   We went to IHOP sorta of a brunch kinda thing and we just talked and had fun oh Jay would slide his hand on mine ever so often that felt very nice I love the way his hand feels on mine when we touch.   Right now I just escaped to get on for a few minutes the guys went out to Home Depot and Julie is showering so

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

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