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Im opening my eyes

And starting to DESPISE the media!   I've been brought up to take everything I see on television/ hear on the radio/read in the papers with a pinch of salt, but this whole michael Jackson fiasco has really opened my eyes to the greedy monsters pulling our strings. I always adored him, and after all the recent media coverage (the THIS IS IT tour and his death) I have been researching his life..   A reoccurring theme is his shyness, reluctancy to give interviews and staements. It becomes obvio



Rest in Peace Angel

I can't believe it hurts this much when I never even met him.   The world has lost him A beautiful, damaged man.   I love you michael Jackson!       "Man In The Mirror"   I'm Gonna Make A Change, For Once In My Life It's Gonna Feel Real Good, Gonna Make A Difference Gonna Make It Right . . .   As I, Turn Up The Collar On My Favourite Winter Coat This Wind Is Blowin' My Mind I See The Kids In The Street, With Not Enough To Eat Who Am I, To Be Blind? Pretending Not To See Their N




I have grown up lots over the past year I've outgrown myself so I'm a little fuzzy just now         EVERY LITTLE THING IS GON' BE ALRIGHT!!        



I forgot about this blog

So I should update it I cannot believe my highers are done! Time sure does fly. All thats left to do is await my results in august. For now I am enjoying the summer . Not much of a summer round here mind you



You think you're in my head.

And this is the only way you think you can win now. But im sorry I'm not falling for it this time, say your goodbye's or leave this as it is. Which will be more painful for you in the end when I finally forget about you. Yes yes, you are wise but I am too. For what you say is what I know. I hope you remember me in some way. At least for a while. I know I'm more to you than the crazy frog lassie. If not? At least I am satisfied in the mindset of thinking I am.



[Jossi] [/jossi];; Ya tit!

Feel better better better. Even though I am buckeled with the cold. I have finished all my folio's in school so all I need to do now is study study study!



end this, please?

seriously. i see mirrors and I feel sick inside. i hate me, why can't i be pretty, why do I have to sell myself to feel remotley happy. This is bizare, its not normal. I am not okay, really not. I cant feel genuenly happy any more... please save me.. i cannot tell anyone... no. none of that pish. its cold, i feel cold. my life is amazing and so are my friends, it is just me i do not like. I cannot grasp control. I cant find myself. What is this anyways? Why am I here? I know how to end it, but i




Funny. At that "family gathering" I realised one of my aunts hates me because of silly childish jokes I made about her that she found out about. Regrets much? I hate the holliday season. Its supposed to be time for family yet I've done sweet fuck all. And any time I attempt to converse with the parents they're busy. Hahh. Plus the fact that there is not anything I want to say to them ayways. They take everything the wrong way and place unnecesary judgements. I also find round about this time of




I just want you closer, is that alright? baby lets get closer tonight! HBFAJFBAKFHAKFHKAHAHFILA.



Its just that

It is really annoying, and getting worse.:| In fact like 10 times as bad and it sucksss.




the layout. In the writers lounge. Is making me want coffee. I do not even like coffee.



Oh and

Jossi- Yeah I have swollen glands Michael-Yeah I think I am getting them too *cough* Jossi- Did you know mumps can make you infertile? Michael-*Grabs crotch and runs*




Heheh. Got me a new man and he's everything I've ever wanted. Got an english solo talk tomorow which I'm not looking foraard to. Redrafted an essay earlier Tomorows friday seeing the man on saturday :DDD   Then next week off! Then my exams in december so next week I have to study my big fat ass off if i want to do okay  



How people flirt.. Is this true?

: ~~~~how girls flirt~~~~ 1.She calls you by your full name not just a nick name. -Yes 2. She hits you softly on the arm and laughs when you say something funny.-no 3. She flips her hair when she's talking to you.-yes 4. She touches your arm when she talks to you.-yes 5. She says, "No, I'm not telling you who I like!" with a big smile on her face.-yes 6. She asks you who you like or who you would go out with seemingly interested.-yes 7. When you go to the movies with a bunch of your frien




Almost THEE weekend Cant wait. Kinda worried about trying on my dress though :\// I dont wanna be too fat for it   *-food* >.<     I see you looking at me Like I got somethings for you And the way that you stare Don't you dare 'Cause I'm not about to Just give it all up to you 'Cause there are some things I won't do And I'm not afraid to tell you I don't ever want to leave you confused   The more you try The less I bite And I don't have to think it through You know if I




Kinda feel relieved I didnt feel the same way as andy so i kinda ended it I dont really feel sad.. ..yet hehe. Friday & monday off man YUSS   Aye disney princesses was amazing you wish you were there. ON ICE and they had a flying carpet.. effing class.   The bass, the rock The mic, the treble I like my coffee black Just like my metal   The bass, the rock The mic, the treble I like my coffee black Just like my metal   I can't wait for you to knock me up In a minute, mi




Hmm. I dont wanna talk about it so please ask. I dont know how im feeling I dont know who i am.. ..I dont know.         You sit there in your heartache Waiting on some beautiful boy to To save you from your old ways You play forgiveness Watch it now ... here he comes!   He doesn't look a thing like Jesus But he talks like a gentleman Like you imagined when you were young   Can we climb this mountain I don't know Higher now than ever before I know we can make it if we take it slow




GREAT DAY words-gay. http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b220/dark_jossi/3-0542.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b220/dark_jossi/3-0533.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b220/dark_jossi/3-0531.jpg   http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b220/dark_jossi/3-0546-1.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b220/dark_jossi/3-0547fliped.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b220/dark_jossi/3-0554.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b220/dark_jossi/3-0542.jpg   Sexy Back   [Verse 1] I'm bri




Hellew went out tonight con mis amigos!! twas buen!   Anyways I got some holliday pictures   http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l266/lossi_jossi_steffi/intelligence.jpg http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l266/lossi_jossi_steffi/andehandjosseh.jpg http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l266/lossi_jossi_steffi/caaaves.jpg http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l266/lossi_jossi_steffi/parrk.jpg     When you walk away You don't hear me say please Oh baby, don't go Simple and clean is the way t




Im off sick again today ( Maaan it sucks. Mum cleaned my room up for me this morning Then i did my nails & hair for something to do :]] been a relativly okay day =)   http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b220/dark_jossi/02.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b220/dark_jossi/03.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b220/dark_jossi/O_o.jpg Free time? aye.     All our secrets they are tailored trouble Draped loose now around your hips Your spotless instincts are valid We coexist




I got a new hat..   http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b220/dark_jossi/meeee.jpg     This may never start. We could fall apart. And I'd be your memory. Lost your sense of fear. Feelings insincere. Can I be your memory?   So get back, back, back to where we lasted. Just like I imagine. I could never feel this way. So get back, back, back to the disaster. My heart's beating faster. Holding on to feel the same.   This may never start. I'll tear us apart. Can I be your enemy? Los




http://myspace-414.vo.llnwd.net/01119/41/47/1119287414_l.jpg   http://myspace-456.vo.llnwd.net/00845/65/40/845320456_l.jpg     FRIENDS FOREVER <3



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