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You know your farts are bad when...


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  • ...you take your underwear off and find a hole burned out in the butt area.
  • ...mirrors on the wall vibrate from the shear force of it.
  • ...kids ask, "What exploded?!?"
  • ...someone in a heavy sleep wakes up gagging for fresh air.
  • ...the pressure alone knocks you forward.
  • ...your nasty fart-raunching dog hides and covers its nose.
  • ...someone lights a match.. 1000 feet away... and the size of the flame is enormous.
  • ...people driving by yell, "WHEW! WHO KILLED A SKUNK?!"
  • ...your toilet refuses to let you use it.
  • ...your chair/sofa kicks you off.
  • ...you're taking a bath and all the water turns to steam... Instantly!
  • ...the pressure of it makes you lift off your seat by an inch... or more...
  • ...the roto-rooter man gags.
  • ...the smell of an infants stool is like fresh air in comparison.
  • ...on a plane, it causes all the oxygen masks to drop down.
  • ...flies hang around your butt constantly.
  • ...the pressure knocks something over behind you.
  • ...it causes someone's freshly lit cigarette to "smoke itself"
  • ...the government wants to do some testing on you to develop a new deadly weapon.
  • ...you're swimming in a lake and all the fish float to the top.

I have more I'll post them later...



2005/05/31 17:59

Adding more...

  • ...people duck when you turn your butt.
  • ...your seat starts curving or melting in.
  • ...you turn around and find the block behind you...gone...
  • ...odor eaters cry when you get near them.
  • ...trees wilt.
  • ...you never have to get gas to fuel your car.
  • ...Oscar the grouch is jealous.
  • ...snow for 5 miles melts.

Add even more later.


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