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Okay, so we have a Sims subforum, but no topics/posts? Well here's the first one, I guess.


So, basic question, who likes playing the Sims? And what games do you have? I have the Sim Deluxe Edition and I want to get some of the expansion packs this summer...


Anyway, a cheat code if you ever need one: to get 1,000 Simolians, hit ctrl+c to open the cheat code dialog. Once there, type in rosebud. After that, if you need more, hit ctrl+c again. This time, type !;!;!;!;!; This will give you 5,000 more Simolians (and you have type as many !;'s as you want to get even more moo-lah...)

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Press ctrl+c? I see no ctrl or c button on my Gamecube controller!


I just use the freeall and midas cheats. I've got 'The Sims' for GCN, by the way. I need to 'acquire' the PC version. As it is, I can't have all of the crap that I want in my house.

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