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Same-sex marriage in Montana?


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I've recently read an article on same-sex marriages. It seems, in the following of Vermont, Montana is considering legalizing same-sex marriages.


I'm eager to know what you all may think of this possibility and the expansion it seems to be making across this country (slowly but surely).


So, what do you think? Is this a good idea or are we all doomed?



:flirt:  - Monopolized

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To sum up my thoughts:


Same-sex couples aren't going to break up just because you [the state they live in] won't allow them to be legally recognized as a couple, should their relationship go that far.  I say...why not allow it?  Allowing same-sex marriages wouldn't be hurting anyone.  Yeah, some people would have issues with it...would be against it.  But ultimately, those people that are against it can just stay out of the way.  If you don't approve, then so be it...don't throw yourself in a position that you're faced with it on a daily basis.  I mean, I'm sure there would be some downsides to it all...because there will always be people that are vehemently against it.  But with any "debatable" issue there are always those that disagree...and sometimes those people that do disagree don't have any good reason to except that they want to be on the opposite side of the issue.  Did that makes sense?!

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No, because admin and I had a whole discussion about this last night.  He'll get me if no one else does, only on here everyone else can see it.  I may be a bit close minded on this subject, but I can't help it.  It's just the way I see things.  That doesn't mean I think people involved in, or who are ok with same sex marriages are bad people.  It's just how I feel about the subject.
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First, let me say that I'm sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings.  Second, I apologize to admin, apparently you took my little remark the wrong way and I'm truly sorry.


Basically, my view on the subject is that same sex marriages are morally wrong.  I don't look down on people who are involved in them though.  You may have a different set of morals or what have you.  Unfortunately, I am one of those people that "has a problem with it."  But I'm not going to jump up in someone's face and tell them they're a bad person because they don't have the right tools between the legs.  If you truly love someone, that's your business.

That's about it.  If I come up with more later, I may put it.

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