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Karate terms as in..what you call your Karate moves in whatever language they teach you in. I'll give you an example of mine:


Mawashi Geri: Roundhouse kick.

Seiken Chuden Tsuki: Forefist middle punch:

Ushiro Geri: Back kick.

Jodan Uke: Upper block.

Nukite: Spearhand.

Sokuto Yoko Geri: Knife edge side of foot side snap kick.

Hiza Geri: Straight drive knee kick.

Scui Uke: Scooping block.

Zenkutsu Dachi: Forward leaning stance.

Hiji/Empi Ago Uchi: Rising elbow strike.

Kata: Simulated forms of fighting.

Shuto Hizo Uchi: Knifehand strike to the kidney or spleen.

Kiai Irete: Shout with purpose and force.

Shotei Chudan Soto Uke: Pamlhell middle outside to inside block.

Moroto Mawashi Uke: Two handed roundhouse block.

Moroto Jodan Nukite: Two handed spearhand strike to throat.

Ushiro Mawashi Geri: Back spin kick.

Tobi Hiza Geri: Jump knee kick.

Kake Dachi: Hook stance.

Humiashi: Step in/step back - changing the lead.

Neko Ashi Dachi: Cat stance.


Yeah, so...that's a very, very SMALL list of all the terms combined that I have learned on my Blue Belt test, Yellow Tip test, and Yellow Belt testing. There's at least a good 40-50 some more terms all together.


P.S. I didn't look when I typed all those down =D

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We have a strip test,and a belt test. The strip test is every month, you get a stip test, and if u pass, you get a piece of tape on your belt and that means your one step closer towards getting your new belt. Then the belt test is when you have enough stripes, you go for your next belt. Thats the only kind of test we have.
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*Gladly throws a Ushiro Mawashi Geri up punkrawker's butt*


Anyway, when we test we have to do oral testing (Verbally listing moves) Kata tests, a written test, then the fights. The fights is obviously the hardest. The more you advance the more rounds and the longer the rounds are. Fun fun! Haha, hardly.

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