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hey ppl

mmkay. sooooo.. idk.. im bored.. let's see. what's new. umm i just got back from camp. it was fun. now i have to pack everything in my room... which is hard cuz i have a lot in my room... and now yea umm im moving in a week. my birthday's in a month. ^^ nothing else is new. i have a boring life. well i have to go.. ooo, i have to pack. fffffunnnn.. -.-;;;; welllllll byeeee     <33 carrrrrolineeeeee




hi.. i know i haven't been here in like.. what is it.. 6 months? bleh, something like that. and like yea. so here's what's been goin on in my life right now..   * SCHOOLS ALMOST OVER.. HELLZ YEA.. * i am currently going out w/no one. so that makes me single! woo! * nothing else.. my life is borrrinnnggg..   soo yea. no one probably reads this. but w/e.. yea.. umm ok today's sunday its been a REALLY boring weekend. im serious, i haven't done anything. damn. cuz like everyone's grounded (or




NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO it just deleted everything i wrote ( gr.   ok so anyway. today was a pretty good day IM SOOO HAPPY SCHOOL IS ALMOST OVER!! and next week is the field trip. i haven't really lost any weight to fit into that gay swimsuit.. but w/e it should look ok i guess??   soo yea i have a *LIPSTICK MARK* on my cheek. sadly, its' from el. julia got one too.. we had a little too much fun today in chorus.. OOO i got oreos too! yum.. they were stale.. hmm what else...ooo i




ok im f/n tired right now.. gah.. i haven't been sleeping and all this stress keeps piling up on me!!! i hate it.. and then my mom's like "oh you cause all this stress for yourself" OMG NO I DONT.. but yea im pretty pissed right now. and im pissed at someone else.. cuz like at student voting today ( and in tech ed class in school) someone was being a biotch to me & being the same way to el.. god im so f/n sick of her. and then there's this guy i like.. and NO ONE knows that i like him.. cuz




yay.. horse!!! ok as u can tell im f/n bored right now..haha.. i was gonna hang out w/lushy today but im not sure if i want to cuz i don;t feel too great and w/e   i have **224** people on my Yahoo list ^^   yes im bored   ahhh     bored   wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee   i updated my site.. GO TO IT.. its pretttyyy now ;o   well anyway.. im gonna go watch a movie or something..ttyl~!~!   <33 caroline       p.s. oooo i went shopping yesterday. funnnn. ^^




so today's memorial day   WOO I CANT WAIT TILL WEDNSDAY.. gonna be great.. YAY   ok anyway. im outside w/my laptop right now and i cant see the screen too well but o well. i dont feel like writing much - so ttyl   much luv, *caroline*




OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW   OMG THIS FLIPPIN SUNBURN HURTS     OMG im serious! i went on the Dells trip today it was a lot of fun.. but i felt weird cuz i was wearing this tiny bikini and me & julia were like "we feel naked!!!" lol. but i got sunburned soo bad!!!   at one time i felt soo sick i seriously felt like i was gonna throw up.. and then i sat down and i felt better.. geez the sun was like.. OWWWW.. yea.. wooo it was so much fun there though   well yea.. im gonna go and




OMGthisiskindagay?!   noooo   mmk. i leave today for camp. how fun.   i hope i get a nice roommate   or else i'll freak out   and it won't be pretty   so gawd..   :\   no one on yahoo   yeah..   well..   cya in 5 days.   <33 caroline




Later on Saturday - Time now: 9:02PM CST   BRRR - *grabs blanket* I just came from the hospital - we were there for 5 hours and 15 minutes. We walked in @ 2:30, and - lo and behold - there were my half-sibs (Debbie, Donna, Darlene, and John). Then we stayed until 9:00. I'm glad that Mom told me to bring something to read because at about 4:00 I'm like, "Ok, how long are we going to be here?" Dad was really knocked out. They gave him that medicine a lot. Morphin, I think it's called. Si




9/24/05   Yeah. Hi. I haven't been on the Net in, like, ever. Ok, it's been exactly a month, but w/e. Right now I'm on my OWN computer (a laptop). A lot of things have happened since then - good, bad, and sad. Good things: school started, and it's going great. I got the highest score in my math class and I'm in advanced math. I got this comuter with Internet (finally). Bad things: Dad went to the doctor a few weeks ago and they found he had a tumor in his stomach, and since then he



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