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How do you feel about........

Mystic Rose

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The imaginary creatures and beings that children are taught to believe in only to realize they're not real...........i.e. Santa, Easter bunny, Tooth fairy...........



Do you think it's really lying to teach them that they exist?


Or do think it helps them to build imagination?


What about when they become of school age and are around other children who don't believe and are made fun of because they still do?


And what about Halloween? It has a dark past....what do you tell them when they want to know about the origins of the holiday?

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I guarantee that if you walk around on the sidewalk and ask a random group of people what Halloween is about, very few of them will know. Now, it's all about who gets the most candy and makes the scariest costume.


About the imaginary creatures, little kids need something to believe in. They will eventually grow out of it. I guess I was a smart kid. I learned at an early age and it didn't phase me at all.

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As a kid you look up to your parents then one day your on the school bus and you get into a fight with some punk who is making fun of you 'cause mommy and daddy told you a fat lie gee thanks but no thanks man. The two people on this earth that I trust start me out with a lie please I feel it has nothing to do with how "smart" a kid is for me it is a stupid thing for some parents to do jeez and the load of crap we got about Halloween another reason why I feel religion is a load of poop. Man I would not lie to my kids not that I want any please this world is so full of hate, war etc.... I just feel it is selfish for me to bring a life into this world and thank god my b/f feels the same way. Edited by Pink20
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I am not sure what to say wow funny how it was you Pink that told me there was no Santa when I was 7 and I cried so much.


I am not sure about what I would tell my children.


Yes I want kids someday. :)




I am not into lies uyou know that and I would be honored to be an auntie to your kids. Just make sure they always go home with ya..... :lol:

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