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[R]Japanese Characters


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I guess I'll be the first to ask a question here.


I enabled the viewing of Japanese characters on my computer to be able to read the comments in some coding language I was trying to learn. I have since disabled the characters, but I have the annoying problem of having my \ key replaced by a yen sign in various places. Sometimes, when I open up a text document, three letters together will produce a different japanese character. The originals were always at the end of a contraction, ex. that's, who's and the like. There are probably more, but I can't recall all of them at the moment.

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I guess I should have told you an important bit of information, but I forgot all about it until it was too late and I had the 'Regional and Language Options' menu opened.


I've already attempted that fix. Every time I open that menu and press Ok or Apply, I get a bsod. I'll just live with the problem. It's not like I don't know what the characters should say, anyways.

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I don't have a digital camera or a scanner for my regular film camera.


Forget about this topic. I fixed it. I only got the BSOD after opening the details section of 'Regional and Language Options.' I found something else in that menu that helped. Thanks for your time.

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