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Crys of a broken heart


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Did you hear it break, when you said you didn't care? Did you hear it shatter, when it realized you weren't there? Did you hear fall to pieces, when it saw you with someone new? Did you hear it begin to cry, when it knew it was no longer me and you? Did you hear it call your name, when you turned to leave the room? Did you hear it sob uncontrollably, when it faced what it thought of as doom? Did you hear it scream, when it saw you kissing her? Did you hear it call out, when it thought there was no cure? Did you hear it say, I'm giving up on guys? Did you hear it's reason? It's because they all tell lies. Did you hear it sigh, when it finished packing it all away? Did you hear it laugh, when a new guy brightened its day?!
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