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Beyoncé Ambushed by PETA at Nobu


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Beyoncé was confronted Thursday night at the swanky restaurant Nobu in New York City by two members of People For the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). The two had won an eBay auction, benefiting VH1's Save the Music Foundation, to dine with the star. Beyoncé had no idea they were PETA members.


read more and see video here:



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In response to the poll question: Heck yeah, PETA was out of line! They did something like this once before. If you don't want a slightly off-topic post, reply to this and I'll try to edit it.


Some animal rights activists were throwing buckets of fake blood at some place where animal fur is used. Some woman walks around the corner in a fur coat. Some stupid ***** dumps one of the buckets on her. She yells that it's only a fake fur coat and the aforementioned ***** yells back that it was *only* fake blood. I would have punched her.


I lump these people into the same group as Jack Thompson and most Scientology "believers." I guess you can tell where I stand. How's this sound for a new topic in the debate forum?


In response to future comments: What the people never tell you. The "slaughtered" animals live a much easier life than the ones in the wild. They are fed. There is no threat of predators. They most likely die a much easier death in captivity.

Edited by Troy
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This story was on the news yesterday and they showed parts of the video that included the DVD PETA showed Beyonce, and I found it extremly disturbing how they kill those poor animals.



They also mentioned in the news how PETA tried to call and write letters to Beyounce to talk to her about this situation.


There was never an answer from Beyonce's camp, so I guess PETA went to the mountain.




If a person wants to wear a fur it is within that person right to do so as well as PETA's right to protest (even if at times they do go too far).

Edited by Rum Raisin
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