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She worries


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She worries about what they all say

She worries about what they think

She tries to run from the bitter words

But deeper and deeper in the pain she will sink


She worries when she looks in the water

Sees her reflection clear

Being called more vicious words

Is over all her most hated fear


She worries that shes not BEAUTIFUL

In her head thats all she wants to be

She doesnt understand that whats important is whats in your heart

Not what you can just by first glance see


She worries that shes not sweet enough

She knows thats what she tries to be

But being able to overcome what you "want"

Makes her think "That can't possibally be me"


She worries when she thinks of fairytales

How she'll never find her prince

She had one but he let her go

She has no faith ever since


She worries how shes not perfect

She needs to see that perfection isnt real

And everyone goes through things in life

And its not just her who does feel

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