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Signs You're Having Trouble Adjusting To College


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The Top 15 Signs You're Having Trouble Adjusting to College


15. You just can't get your day going without the morning announcements and Pledge of Allegiance.


14. Despite having the hottest live dorm sex-cam on campus, the other kids at BYU just don't seem to accept you.


13. Forget the kegger with the Tri-Delts this Friday -- you've got some Ruminations to write!


12. Passing high school chemistry by sleeping with your teacher worked well, but the irony of passing freshman ethics by sleeping with your teacher is driving you nuts.


11. "Aww, c'mon guys. We just went out drinking last night!"


10. That backpack you made out of your blankie isn't fooling anyone.


9. Your fraternity brothers doubt your claim that the rubber sheets are due to an allergy to cotton.


8. You're anxious to find out if you got an A on your cat-dissection project. But you're not taking a biology class, and your art professor seems to be avoiding you.


7. Due to a misunderstanding, your cramming for exams involves K-Y jelly.


6. You think "carrying a full load" means you haven't had a girlfriend in awhile.


5. Animal Husbandry isn't exactly what you expected when you signed up for it.


4. The good news: You have a 3.5 average; the bad news: That's your blood alcohol content.


3. You feel so awkward and unpopular that you quit the Young Republicans and join the Junior Reform Party.


2. The friendly wager you made with your new roommate about who would score first apparently has nothing to do with your Pokemon skills.


1. Your mother turns on Dateline's story about college binge drinking just in time to see you vomit on Jane Pauley.


[Courtesy of topfive.com]

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