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Video Game Violence


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Do you believe that violence in video games is the cause of all of the 'incidents' people say it is?


I think it's a load of crock. If the parents would pay attention to their kids' gaming habits and their personality, stuff like that, there wouldn't be any problem. The problem lies in the parents who think that a video game is a baby sitter.



Yeah... My first debate... Go ahead and rip it to shreds if you feel like it.

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I agree that parents need to do a better job with their kids and what they watch on tv and what games they play. I really do not believe that violent games are all to blame for kids acting violent. Edited by dream19
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Blaming video games for violence is like blaming the duct tape company for kidnap vitcims being gagged. Violence has always been around, read the bible for great examples! The whole Cain and Able thing, or any other history book and in every culture there is violence. Romeo and Juliet was a blood bath when you think about it. Parents aren't always repsonsible for what their kids do, but it's not as though the children are being forced to play those games.
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I don't believe video games are responsable at all for violence, like shivaree said, violence has been around since forever. I think it's a load of crap blaming games for violence. I play video games all the time, you don't see me killing people and stuff. I think they're just looking for an excuse to ban video games..obviously..
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I think it's a combination of things.


If a kid plays violent games and that's their exposure, they're going to believe that violence gets your way.


However, if the parents teach the kids that it's only a game and that it can be used as an outlet for aggressive tendencies instead of doing it for real, then it can actually be a tool.


The problem isn't the video games, the problem is the lack of discipline and distinction between games and reality.

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I've finally got something to add! I was recently flipping through my newest issue of Computer Gaming World and a nice bar/line graph caught my eye. That graph clearly showed that, within the last ten years or so, as video game sales have increased, crime rates have stayed the same, or in some cases, actually DECREASED. Sorry, I don't have access to a scanner or I would have tried to get that graph on here.
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Yeah..figures. Although the city I live in is one of the highest crime rates in the United States....seriously..which is why I may be moving soon >.> anyway...getting off topic, I never agreed with the whole thing anyway..like I said, I think they were just looking for an excuse to ban games.

Always people want to find fault where it does not reside, for fear of their own flaws being discovered.


If a kid acts out and misbehaves, what does the parent do? "I raised him/her better than that, I don't know where they learned that from!!! It must be those violent games/movies!"


Well, let's say it is. Who is the one that ALLOWED him/her to play/watch them?!? Still their fault. Since it's still the parents fault on that, go to the root of it, teach them to be nice to people in real life, and to not let the game be their guide on how to behave.

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