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One day a little boy's teacher tells the class to find out the 4 alphabets so the boy comes home and this is what he asks his family.


Boy: Mommy what is the 1st alphabet?

Mom: Shut up.


So he goes to his dad...


Boy: Sister whats the 2nd alphabet?

Sister: Thats the way uh huh uh huh I like it!


So he goes to hiis brother...


Boy: Brother whats the 3rd alphabet?

Brother: I am Batman!


And finally he goes to his dad...


Boy: Daddy whats the 4th alphabet?

Dad: Down the hole!


The next day the teacher asks him the 4 alphabets.


Teacher: Whats the first alpahbet?

Boy: Shut Up.

Teacher: Oh my... do you want to go to the principal's office

Boy: Thats the way uh huh uh huh I like it!


So he goes to the principal's office


Principal: What is your name?

Boy: I am Batman!

Principal: where are your parents?

Boy: Down the hole!

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