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Would You Rather Questions


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Ok first of all you can't say both or neither answer ONE of the availble answer. Thanks :)


1. Would you rather stick your tongue in a pencil sharpener or be trapped in a space with a snake?


2. Would you rather hug Hiliary Duff or have shopping spree with Mariah Carey?


3. Would you rather own a chat room or own forums?


4. Would you rather have to wear ugly glasses for 11 years or wear contacts that dont look good on you for 6 years?


5. Would you rather work at Mc Donalds or work at Burger King?


6. Would you rather eat 250 cookies or 8 cakes whole?


7. Would you rather work for 20 hours or stay in a bath, with water, for 6 hours with out draining the water and refilling?


8. Would you rather kiss your worst (boy) emeny or break up with ALL of your friends?


9. Would you sing for 7 hours non-stop or play flute for 6 hours no break?


10. Would you rather fall out of a movng car or jump out a 3 story window?


11. Would you rather wear an ugly shade of yellow or wear a uncomfurtable tuxedo while sleping?


Please explain why (If you can)!!!!!

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1. Be trapped with a snake. OW! Tounge in a pencil sharpener would HURT.


2. Shopping spree w/ Mariah, I hate Hiliary ;/


3. Forums are easier to handle cuz in a chat its live and if some one is being bad yah know. You can delete bad stuff and dis able their account if they are bad so yeah.


4. Bad contacts cant explain really why.


5. Burger King. Have you seen super size me?


6. 250 cookies too much cake can make me sick.


7. Baths are relaxing and work isnt. Yes I'd be a prune but at least Im clean....


8. Kiss boy emeny. My friends are way to valuble. BTW for the boys same goes for you to kiss your BOY emeny.


9. Sing non stop. I play flute and if you play for around 7 hours, you'd be dead. You'll be so light headed ITS NOT FUNNY.


10. Jump out of a 3 story window. It could be a matress dump you know, or a trapoline is there. You neva know.


11. Ugly shade of yellow. I need a good sleep ;/.

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1. Would you rather stick your tongue in a pencil sharpener or be trapped in a space with a snake?

Pencil sharpener. Just because you stick your tongue in there doesn't mean that it's going to get bruised or anything. Also, even a snake that isn't deadly or poisonous can still kill you. A few bites and you're aching, then wrapping itself around your neck and squeezing when you get tired of fighting it off, and you're dead.


2. Would you rather hug Hiliary Duff or have shopping spree with Mariah Carey?

HUG HILARY DUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH BABY!


3. Would you rather own a chat room or own forums?

Forums, the "memories" last longer. But I own both. :)


4. Would you rather have to wear ugly glasses for 11 years or wear contacts that dont look good on you for 6 years?

Um, that Q makes no sense. But since I wear glasses anyway and know some of the advantages, I'll go with the glasses.


5. Would you rather work at Mc Donalds or work at Burger King?

McDonalds. Their Happy Meals are better. Also, the chicken nuggets and other goodies.


6. Would you rather eat 250 cookies or 8 cakes whole?

250 cookies. Smaller quanitities per serving, cookies tend to last longer (before going "bad").


7. Would you rather work for 20 hours or stay in a bath, with water, for 6 hours with out draining the water and refilling?

Work for 20hours. Mind you, working for 20 hours, I'm GOING to take breaks. Potty breaks, munch breaks. But not in excess. Why not the bath? Because after 6 hours of not cycling the water, the temperature of that water (among other reasons) is very likely to make you sick. Being a prune is the LEAST of your worries. Work for 20 hours, then hop in the shower for 15 minutes. Be clean and only slightly pruned.


8. Would you rather kiss your worst (boy) emeny or break up with ALL of your friends?

Worst GIRL enemy. Hey, you're a girl and you selected to kiss your worst BOY enemy, so I say it has to be fair in that it's the opposite gender for me.


9. Would you sing for 7 hours non-stop or play flute for 6 hours no break?

Play the flute. Never said I had to play it well or correctly, and if I pass out, oh well. Try singing for 7 hours non-stop and you're likely to lose your voice. At least by passing out, you recover a short time later and can still talk.


10. Would you rather fall out of a movng car or jump out a 3 story window?

Jump out the window. Heck, if you do it right, you might come out with injuries, but you're more likely to live. Jumping out of a moving car, even at 10 mph, can kill you.


11. Would you rather wear an ugly shade of yellow or wear a uncomfurtable tuxedo while sleping?

The tuxedo. Yellow is bright and can make you look like a weirdly shaped school bus. In the tux, since it's black, it doesn't reflect light as much, so any light that is nearby won't glow in your eyes and cause you to wake up. When I'm tired and ready to sleep, I can sleep even if the suit is uncomfortable.

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1. trapped in a space with a snake


2. shopping spree with Mariah Carey


3. own forums


4. wear contacts that dont look good on you for 6 years


5. rather work at Mc Donalds


6. rather eat 250 cookies


7. rather work for 20 hours

8. rather kiss my worst (boy) emeny

9. sing for 7 hours non-stop


10. rather fall out of a movng car ...who says its going fast?


11. wear a uncomfurtable tuxedo while sleping.. whos gunna see it?

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1. Would you rather stick your tongue in a pencil sharpener or be trapped in a space with a snake?


Rather be stuck in space with a snake. I have a "secret weapon" to kill it with =)


2. Would you rather hug Hiliary Duff or have shopping spree with Mariah Carey?


This one is kinda obvious...I'd rather have a shopping spree with Mariah Carey. I don't want Hilary's germs on me.


3. Would you rather own a chat room or own forums?


I'd rather own a chat room. I think I would get bored and eventually run out of things to do and say if I had my own forums.


4. Would you rather have to wear ugly glasses for 11 years or wear contacts that dont look good on you for 6 years?


I'd have to go with wearing contacts. I've worn glasses before and they are a pain in the butt. Not that contacts aren't, seeing as they have more "Cleaning and care time" that you have to put into them, but I never did care much for wearing glasses.


5. Would you rather work at Mc Donalds or work at Burger King?


Uhm, how about neither? Flipping hamburgers for a living isn't my cup of tea.


6. Would you rather eat 250 cookies or 8 cakes whole?


250 cookies. One, I'd blow up before I got to my second cake, and two, I think 250 cookies would have less calories.


7. Would you rather work for 20 hours or stay in a bath, with water, for 6 hours with out draining the water and refilling?


Working for 20 hours. No big deal, I've done it before.


8. Would you rather kiss your worst (boy) emeny or break up with ALL of your friends?


Aw, no choice for kissing your worst girl enemy? Darn, that would have made it so much easier. Anyway, I'd have to pick kissing my worst male enemy in a heart beat over breaking up with the friends I have.


9. Would you sing for 7 hours non-stop or play flute for 6 hours no break?


Sing for 7 hours. I've been singing for years and years and have lost my voice several times. What's the most that would happen? I'd lose my voice again?


10. Would you rather fall out of a movng car or jump out a 3 story window?


I DON'T like heights. Any heights. The question would be how to even get me up 3 stories high. So, I'd rather fall out of a moving car. What's the most that will happen, I'd get run over by a semi truck?


11. Would you rather wear an ugly shade of yellow or wear a uncomfurtable tuxedo while sleping?


Uhm...I don't think a tuxedo would look very good on me. Nor be too much fun to wear to sleep. So I'd pick wearing an ugly shade of yellow. Big deal if it looks like I just got peed on.



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