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What represents you?


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No this isn't a quiz. I'm tired, and my mind wanders to strange areas when in this state... don't ask where. Anyway, I was playing a song, I couldn't help but think it would be the perfect theme song for one of my friends. Then I got to thinking.. what would my theme song be? And that lead to a whole new road. So I ask you...


Out of any song, what would be your theme song?


What music genre generally fits you the best?


What would be your familar? (like witches have. what animal would you chose?)


What colour screams your personality to the world?


What TV show describes your life or your ideals?


What book do you relate most to?


If you could pick a number, any number, to be on your jersey, what would it be?


Which is you? Spring, Summer, Fall or Winter?


If you can, try to explain why you chose your answers. Should make for some interesting posts?



Mine are...


Theme song:


Ailsean's Terra in Black (Terra Theme Remix)


Why? No words.. just beautiful melody blending together to alternately sound mellow.. dark.. hopeful.. depressed.. like some inner battle is waging deep inside the musican's soul


Music genre:


Classic Rock or Country. Its a toss up between the two


Why? Both tend to stick to matters of the heart.. and I like the sound




The classic cat. Not a solid black one mind you. I'd want a black and white one or a tabby.


Why? I love cats, and admire their agility, grace and self-reliance.




Blue.. any shade.


Why? Blue can show every emotion. Joy, happiness, mellowness, sorrow, depression...


TV Show:


This one is hard because I really don't watch much TV. I'd have to say Charmed.


Why? I can relate to the character Piper. I wish I was a 10th of the person she is. She is a mix of strength, honesty, responisbility and vunerablity all wrapped up in one.




Now, this one is hard because I read so many and I like more than I can shake a stick at. I'd say.. Beowulf


Why? Its a classic example of good verse evil. Beowulf's struggles can be seen as inner conflict that we all go to.




Hmm.. 3.


Why? I have absolutly no idea...






Why? Its the turning of the colours, the break down of what nature tried so hard to build. I feel at peace sitting outside on a cool slighly overcast fall day.



I'm done for now..

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No this isn't a quiz.  I'm tired, and my mind wanders to strange areas when in this state... don't ask where. Anyway, I was playing a song, I couldn't help but think it would be the perfect theme song for one of my friends. Then I got to thinking.. what would my theme song be? And that lead to a whole new road. So I ask you...

Oh boy...


These are self explanatory to be honest...


Out of any song, what would be your theme song?

Twilight Zone theme


What music genre generally fits you the best?

Take the themes of "Beverly Hillbillies", "Green Acres", mix in with redneck and square dancing, and that should give you a pretty good idea..


What would be your familar? (like witches have. what animal would you chose?)

Do I REALLY need to answer this one?


What color screams your personality to the world?

Purple.. It's purty to look at :)


What TV show describes your life or your ideals?

Best describes my life??? Pick one: Twilight Zone, Tales from the Dark Side, Friday the 13th (the tv series), X-Files, So Weird.. The list goes on.


What book do you relate most to?

Tales of the 4th Grade Nothing... As well as the 2 (I think its only 2) books after that in the series.


If you could pick a number, any number, to be on your jersey, what would it be?

13... For certain reasons I'll keep to myself for now.. But let's just say that it was a weird birthday.


Which is you? Spring, Summer, Fall or Winter?

Fall.. You think it's mother nature causing those leaves to fall off of the trees? No, it's my excessive farting throughout the summer.. :)

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1 Out of any song, what would be your theme song?

nowhere kids - smile empty soul..my parents are so unfair to not just me but all my brothers a majority of the time. they always put my oldest brother down and he gets so upset. its so hard to be there for him because we live so far apart :(


2 What music genre generally fits you the best?

Heavy metal !!! :rock: the lyrics in most of the songs i can relate too..the music just gets me in a better mood a lot of the time. :P


3What would be your familar? (like witches have. what animal would you chose?)

a pit bull...they can be the sweetest things in the world and any second..any little thing can set them off and theyll tear you apart..literally..which is how i act a lot of the time with my friends and family


4 What colour screams your personality to the world?

id have to say either red black or grey...depends what mood im in. On days when im in a good mood id say red :D because thats a pretty colour..it reminds me of God. On days when im really really mad id say black :fume: because black is a dark colour and yeah. On days when im sad/upset id have to say grey :down: because its just a dull colour and thats how i feel..dull.


5 What TV show describes your life or your ideals?

yeah..i uh..dont watch tv :blink:... how about movies....a movie that would describe me..the butterfly effect..although i cant go back in time and change things..if i could i would to it to make the person i love's life better..and when i realized i made it worse..i would die just so they could have a better life :cry:


6 What book do you relate most to?

i dont read either...but when i was little..my mom used to read me this book, "why cant I fly"...The little monkey never gives up trying to fly..and her friends are there to help her..and in the end..they all help her to fly..and she never gave up..even though it hurt her a lot. I admire that little monkey. Cheers to you MiNNiE =D . I try my best not to give up no matter what. I

If you could pick a number, any number, to be on your jersey, what would it be?


7..me and my big brother are 7 years apart and we always use that number to remember eachother <3


8 Which is you? Spring, Summer, Fall or Winter?

id have to say fall because in the beggining of fall the leaves on the trees are beautiful colours and the air outside is just perfect but at the end of fall all the leaves fall off and it gets really really cold..it reminds me that nothing lasts forever.




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Theme Song:

Evanescence- My Immortal It has lyrics that really describe me and I love the rythm. B)


Music Genre:

Hard rock. I can relate to it and it puts me in a good mood. :rock:



hmm... I think a charmelon (however you spell it) because I like to take things at a steady pace.



I would have to say red or black. Most days black cuz a lot of things happen to depress me but you may not notice :hmmm:


TV Show:

I would have to definatly say The Real World San Diago cuz it describes my life in some ways and situations. ^_^



Lemme see... uh... I would have to say Dogsong.. no reason why :huh:



Number 7 cuz its always benn my favorite number -_-



I say Winter cuz I love when its cold outside and uh.. the leaves are gone on trees and thats like taking everything off of my shoulders and just getting ready for a new start. :yes:


Thats all for me I guess. :cya:

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**Out of any song, what would be your theme song?

A:: Um..well..I love Alot of songs..But the song that i really REALLY like is my immortal by evanesecnce...Shes such a beautful person and a good singer. And everytime that song comes on i BELT it out:P


**What music genre generally fits you the best?

A:: Well I love all sorts of music. Rock, Pop, SUM Rap, Metal everything!!! But i'd have to say pop. Pop is very diverse. Theres sad, happy, romantic, angry etc! And thats me!! Mixed emotions.


**What would be your familar? (like witches have. what animal would you chose?)

A:: Well i'd have to say..A cat! Im very independant. I know what i believe in and i make my own descions and w/e i think is right is RIGHT. And i cant take NO for an answer!! well sometimes.


**What color screams your personality to the world?

A:: Well Its prolly about what Hillie said. Im very mixed emotions. One day im happy then im sad, then im angry then im calm. I love pink! So that means im happy!! And i love black too..And that means im sad..I really like purple so that means im Calm and i really like white and white is very bland..so That prolly means im Sad:(


**What TV show describes your life or your ideals?

A:: Um...well I love the show "Gilmoure Girls" it has alot to do with my mom and me. They are SOO close those 2..almost like sisters. Me and my mom are that way...she really watches out for me..Making sure i dont make bad choices and tells me the difference between right and wrong. Shes my best friend!


**What book do you relate most to?

A:: The book i relate to you is "What my mother doesnt know" I swear i need to be in that book. We have the same problems and the same difficultys as a normal teenager would.


**If you could pick a number, any number, to be on your jersey, what would it be?

A:: Well...im not sure for some reason number 5. Thats my lucky number!!


**Which is you? Spring, Summer, Fall or Winter?

A:: Im more of a winter..I love winter. The snow and ohhh everything!! Its grrreat!! :blah:

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  • 2 weeks later...
My theme song would be Duality by my fav. band Slipknot. The only muzik that would fit me would be any kind of hardcore metal. The animal would be the Spitting Cobra. The colors that represent me are BloodRed & Black. No tv show describes my life or ideals. I don't read books that much, so no book. The number on my jersey would be 24, b-cuz it's my lucky number. Last but not least, Winter. I like the cold, and you get pale, then u can wear all the gothic stuff like I already do, and really scare ppl :lol:
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My Theme song: All Grown Up theme (I like a pop kinda rock wats the word?)

My music Genre: Hip Hop and Rap and a liltle bit of R&B

My familiar: My mom says a bunny cause she says im like cute things and hippity hoppity

Color: Pinks Blues Other light colors im very bright thats wat my name means (Lucy)

My TV show: I'd say Unfabulous because i want to be a singer and Ned DeClassified trying to get though school without being embarassed and hurt


My book: Are you there god it me Margret. Every one in school is going through changes in thier body and so am I. Also holes idk why but in the movie (which was a book) Khelo Thomas who played Zero is CUTE!


My number: 17 i love that number my mom was born 1/17 my dad was 4/17 and im 11/17 weird huh? And when im 17 im getting a car.


Season: Fall its Halloween Thanksgiving and my b-day is in it

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  • 1 month later...

Theme Song?

I'll tell you why first. This song doesn't really describe me so much as what I believe in. Anyway, I think I'd probably have to choose "Awesome God," and if you can't tell from that what I believe in, then you need help.


Music Genre?

Let's see...Christian Rock :-)



A turtle

They may be slow and take their time but they're strong and don't give up.


Color? (Colour)

Green (I know SoBe's shocked I didn't say purple)

Green is the classic color of nature. It's the color of grass, leaves (except in autumn), and it's one of the colors of the rainbow.


TV Show?

I'd probably have to say Jeopardy. I'm not saying I classify myself as extremely intelligent or anything but I do like to try and absorb as much as I can. I'd like to be book smart but I don't I'd score too high right now.



Pride and Prejudice

It's a classic struggle of true love versus social status. It also signifies the struggles women have gone through for hundreds of years.




For all of you who don't know, it's a perfect game in bowling (meaning 12 strikes in a row). It is the one thing I want more than anything else in the world.




Spring is the rebirth of everything that died or went dormant through the winter. It's beginning to get warmer and the days grow longer. Spring is the most inviting time of the year.


Well, that was a lot less painful than it looked. Good job on getting people to think there SoBe. (And you knew the bowling had to come up somewhere in there. Are you surprised it was only once?) :-"


Edited by fluffyrat
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