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Bird Seed and Parking Lots

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I guess this could be harmful if any birds in your area have West Nile. I'm still not sure which section this goes in, so I'll put it here just to be safe. I really don't see how it could be deadly, so I'll post it.


Best done on the last day of your senior year. Gives the younger students a going away 'present' and something to talk to for the following years. A nice perfume and paint job for their precious cars.

First, you and a friend or two buy some big bags of bird seed. If you can see where I'm going with this, I like your line of thinking.


Second, open the bags and spread it around the parking lot. Make sure to get it near anyone's car who you don't like. Make sure you don't drive this day, or at least sign up for a parking space in a different lot.


If you get what's going to happen, good. If you don't, you don't need to know. Have fun!

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Bread crumbs would probably work too.. or just grab a loaf of bread and break it up a little and you can drop it on top of the cars. (Big enough to grab attention of the birds quickly, but too small to be worth carrying away, so they eat it right there).



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