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How you know its NOT a date


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  KimmiKitti said:


he says wanna hang out

he doesnt pay for you

he takes you to an action movie

he dosnt drop you off in front of the door

you go out for a "coffe" or for fastfood


Hanging out: What do you do on a date then? Go no where?


Paying: Due to the recent and still on going equal-rights move based on gender, it has gotten to the point of almost being insulting for a guy to pay for a girl on a date. Also, going dutch is a popular idea because then if the girl doesn't like the guy (or if the guy decides that he doesn't like the girl) then neither is at a loss nor feeling "in debt" to the other. This goes for who asked the other out, although the financial situation should be discussed ahead of time to prevent problems.


Action movies: Hey, if the girl doesn't say what kind of movie she wants to see or name a movie, then she kind of has no choice. Or what if she likes action flicks?


Dropping off: With the world of stalkers that we have now a days, if he doesn't already know where she lives, then what if she doesn't want him to know? At least not yet. Also depending on the circumstances, it might be a bad idea, especially if she snuck out, returning her home late and/or he hasn't gotten dressed yet from their backseat passion.


Food: What's wrong with fast food? Heck, it's cheap, it's ready, available and you don't have to worry about a snooty or bad server ruining the date. Besides, when you've done the backseat passion, it's hard to find a drive-thru at places like Steak & Ale or the Red Lobster. Even if they did, they'd still try to sell you a hot apple pie.

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You made quick comments to counter her points. I provided thought out answers to show the opposite point of view with the necessary information so that the incorrect viewpoint can be changed.


Or in other words, I backed up what I said.

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