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Story time!


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There once was a place called kidchat. Now this story would start w/ once upon a time but in this case it starts with once upon a Wolf...


ONCE upon a wolf there was ...a wolf! And he was refered to "King Wolfie".So one day King Wolfie went down to the dongon and saw his prisinors. The gaurd otherwise known as "Punkrawker" was sleeping by the castle dongon door. With a loud clank he awoke.Looking at prisoner #1 whos name was "hiro" punkrawker felt he was up to something. So punkrawker called on his trusted friend "Fairy Pinkk" "whats wrong"?,said Fairy Pinkk. "Well...i feel that the prisoner is up to something. Could u make a spell to see wat it is?" "Well.. no.. no i can't", said Fairy Pinkk. It least not without the goldon staff of chat. Punkrawker sent off a fighter to the kingdom of "chatters" to go get the staff of chat. This means he sent of the knight named ZaK.ZaK went to the king to inform him. "Well if u dont make it, im giving ur job to that chipmunk down the street", said king Wolfie. "Very well", replied ZaK.

ZaK could only make it so far..(aka lost at step one) his challenge WAS to fight off the dragon Kimmi to get into the crystal cave. But then Kimmi swallowed him hole... Next in line was Worrior HiLLiE.Aka Becky. So becky defeated the dragon and was now in a dark room. Then it hit her like a dodgeball. Litterally :). She had to defeat the dodgeball Queen named Dodge. Becky defeated Dodge by putting something purty and shiny in her face.Once past Queen dodge she had landed in Candy land.The Princess of Candy land was "Candy" and the Queen "Tabbie". They gave Becky premition to tae the Staff of chat...






the end

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