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WWW Relationships..


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Hey everyone...this is Gabby speaking... aka ILuv2Talk...today my topic is far away or online relationships...this is just my opinon, but it could be yours too...ok here we go with me Top Story. WWW relationship and far away relationships r sorda pointless...i mean u dont know that ur hunneh could be kickin ya to the curb? duh i mean comeone....its gay. well Candy and psycho r just THE PERFECT COUPLE and they would never ever EVER do that...well if they were both stoned they pry would...well thats not what i mean.. so bow down to me NOW :worship:  and plz take my advice...seriously its a bad situation u never EVER wanna be in...


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I'm in a relationship with someone who lives some distance FROM me.  However, the distance is not so great that we never get to see each other.  I've visited her like 10 times in the past 15 months.  Doesn't seem like much, but we talk with each other everyday and have during those 15 months everyday without fail except for *maybe* a total of 7 days, which were out of our control.


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