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Casting Call


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Hi guys and gals!  I posted this on another friend's forum and, even though a lot of you aren't FROM Virginia, or at least not FROM the Richmond (Chesterfield) area, I thought I would go ahead and post this anyway in case someone FROM the area happens by it - or - in case someone on here would seriously be interested for one reason or another.  I didn't know which board to post it under, so I figured why not just post it under my ramblings.  This is for real.  I really do need people that are interested to DROP me a line.  So far I've received 3 responses FROM Steven's forum, which is more than I expected, actually.  I will try to have the details for everyone ASAP on things - but as you'll read below, I was recently informed on everything myself, so I don't have much information to give at this time.  Read below and you'll know what in the world I just rambled on about.  Hehehe.


Ok, ok...it's not a "real" casting call, like for a big movie or television SHOW or anything like that...but at the same time, it is...here's the deal...


As some of you know may know, this summer I am a marketing intern for the Chesterfield County Department of Real Estate Assessments. What does that mean? It means that I am in charge of totally remaking the "image" of the Department. In case you donn't know it, there is a large population of Chesterfield County citizens that isn't too fond of the Assessor's Office. And it's a HARD job, because pratically NONE of these people (my coworkers) know anything about marketing/advertising. Well, the interim director knows a little, but he's a busy man and he's never around, so this is pretty much all me. And now I'm rambling, so I'll KINDA get to the point.


We are in the process of shooting an informational video about the real estate assessment process. I do NOT want you for that video - that video is soon to be in post production. However - I found out last FRIDAY that my bosses want me to write scripts for TWO videos. They will be recruiting videos - one will target high school student and the other will target college students (seniors/recent graduates).


Where do you come in?


I do NOT want to make a video that kids are gonna fall asleep to. That's where ya'll come in. I don't want stuffy 40 - 50 year olds talking about their jobs for the majority of the video. What I want is "kids" (that'd be high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors - and maybe some freshman, because it's not like the people watching are gonna know the difference unless you look like you're 12 years old - and pretty much any college students/recent graduates out there).


SO...if you'd like to momentarily be in our glorious County spotlight, please leave a message here or e-mail me. I intend to have the script done within the next...hmmm...3 or 4 weeks...they would like to start production before the end of July. The length of the video will be approximately 11 minutes or so, I believe. I don't have too many details as of yet, because they just told me about it on Friday.


What I'm looking for:


Narrator(must be at least 20 yrs old - we may be able to go up to age 30): Someone that is NOT camera shy; must be enthusiastic, energetic, be able to speak in a clear voice without sounding robotic, be able to memorize a script without making it SOUND memorized.


Students: Interact with the narrator.


Other: Don't know yet.


We will probably start HAVING some form of "auditions" in the next 3 to 5 weeks, to make sure that your voice will be clear and easy to understand on the video and whatnot.


And for now, that is all, I think. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them here or, once again, e-mail me.


Hopefully at least one or two of you will be interested. Thanks!!!



P.S. - I'm sure a couple of ya'll would be wondering "would I get paid?" Ummm...I honestly don't know. I don't BELIEVE that they have the resources to pay a bunch of people. So, I guess this would be ideal for someone that is INTO acting or whatnot, because at least they could walk away with something to SHOW FROM the experience- even if it is kinda lame. But I will say that I don't get paid. =0Þ So you wouldn't be the only one not getting paid. However, I will guarantee that it will be a good time. The people are wonderful, so if you're at all interested, please do let me know.

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