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[OLD]What is your favorite Final Fantasy Game?


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Out of all the Final Fantasy games available right this moment, which one is your most favorite? (Including Final Fantasy Tactics)  And, Why is it your favorite Final Fantasy game? Come on!! tell meeeee!!!!  style_emoticons/default/nod.gif
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Ohhh I see how it is.  So you post a reply...with no info wrote on it at all, nothing to do with the topic?? Aww come on!!! Leave me something!! Please!! style_emoticons/default/wink.gif  My Favorite Final Fantasy game would be... Final Fantasy Tactics.  That FF Game ROCKS!!!!!!
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  • 7 months later...

First off, I want to know where this forum was hiding. I sure as hell didn't see it.


Final Fantasy = teh win


I've played FF1-3 SNES American Versions (Anyone find the roms for the actual first 3 released in Japan in ENGLISH contact me please!!) , FF7 for pc, FFX on PS2 and the FFX-2 Demo FROM ps underground. I love them all, but so far FF3 is my favourite.


In the words of Locke... CALL ME TREASURE HUNTER ^______________^




Hey, Admin, where is muh horsey??!! *sob*

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Yup ZA. Privacy Tab, Ad Blocking, Custom, Ads to Block... Animations...


Bleh.. I dun recall setting that. My IE is still majorly f-ed though. It really doesn't like me.


style_emoticons/default/bud.gif - SoBe


Call me treasure hunter or I'll rip your lungs out - Locke

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