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[OLD]QUAKE RULES !!! Where's my rocket launcher..hmm


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Are there any Quake fans in the forum? Oh please! There has to be! I know there is someone out there who likes quake! or even loves quake! I know I love Quake!  I use to come home every day, start up Quake, and take out all my Aggression on the evil creatures, while pretending they were someone that had caused me alot of problems that day.  I'd be firing rockets at them.....and at the same time be saying....
"Take these rockets up your $%@#% Dr.Lebovitz, you son of a*BEEP*....You can take some of my lightening gun as well!!! *ZAP ZAP ZAP*....You too, *BoyFriends name*.......You think I look fat in that Dress?  I'll SHOW you fat! How about I SHOW you some nails in your &^%#@! INSTEAD! HOWS THAT FOR FAT???.....And you, Mr.Smith...You think I over-charged you for that Air-Brushed T-shirt??? How About I give you a partial refund.....in shot gun shells??!!!!!!  You wanna mess with me NOW!?!? Come on! I DARE YOU! I DARE YOU!!!!"
Anyway...I loved playing on-line Quake too. Capture the flag team Quake, or Rune Qauke, or just one of the good ole 'who can get 100 frags first!?'  Those were always fun.  No one ever believed I was a girl because I was such  good player.  My name was Killer KiKi.  My uncle would watch me go and kill everyone...and be the first person to reach the frag limit, and win that level.  He got angry with me because My name didn't have anything in it to signify that I was a girl, so I changed my name to Mrs Killer KiKi. Haha....Then, they knew I was a girl.  My uniform was Always Red and Pink.  I belonged to a clan.  We challanged other clans to "Death Match" games.   Those were fun.  Heck, any kind of Quake was fun, and it still is......<>yawns<>
 :devil:  Anyway...let me know if you too are a present/past-time 'freak' for Quake...Maybe we could catch  few games together... Thanks  :devil:
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It gets violent when I play.  I love to turn the speakers up as high as they will go....and have at it.  The guns firing off sound very very real.....So, I probably have my neighbors wondering what the heck is going on in my room. hehehe.
:devil:  :glare:  :eyebrows:
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Nope....They don't Take me on......I  just sit back....hide....and wait for them to come running past me on Quake...then I shoots them Dead. style_emoticons/default/smile.gif  Thats my expert Way.  The Best way.  You will win everytime.  Or, you can do the mad chase/hunt down.  That makes the other player very scared. Player or players.  It's easier with just one other player, ya know, one on one. But, multiple players mean you get Frags alot quicker. style_emoticons/default/wink.gif
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A cheaters way - design a map that has some 'hidden' features about it, and then use those features.  Something like where you jump INTO a certain spot of lava and you get teleported, but its like in a spot you have to get to around a corner so to everyone else you look suicidal and they dont follow.  And the place you teleport to is high up in a dark corner where you can shoot at everyone and it has protection, quad, all the good ammo, etc.


And then as a fail safe, in case someone else manages to figure it out, a magic button somewhere that kills anyone that happens to be in that corner.  But a button that is triggered by a certain spot that no one would want to go to because it lacks benefit. lol

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They already have some secret places, and hidden things...but I suppose you could make some secret secret things and some hidden hidden things like that. hehe.  The pitfal is forgetting where to jump at in the Lava, and comitting suicide yourself.  Then other people are like...whoa..they were in first place..why would they kill themselves!!?? style_emoticons/default/stupid.gif
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I was thinking something that would seem obvious but really worthless unless you know the secret.


Like lets say a bridge over lava, along a wall, an obvious way to scale around a corner.  On the other side, something mundane like maybe a medkit.  And something there that would kill the person if they stay there too long.  But then if you happen along, instead of getting the medkit, you take a different hop and *poof* style_emoticons/default/smile.gif


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