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Bye bye...


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Hi everyone!  In a few hours I'll be heading back to Richmond.  I thought I'd go ahead and post now, because I believe that my bratty little brother will be heading back home tonight, too...and I'm not getting INTO a war over a dumb computer.  That and the fact that I'll have to go to bed "early" tonight since we have to get up too early for my liking tomorrow in ORDER to drive to Norfolk to catch our plane.  And then I'll have lots of sleepy time, because it takes forever and a day to get out west.  Thankfully I've learned to sleep in close quarters, so I should be able to sleep on the plane.  Although I do intend to get some work done on the plane...since my professors were nice enough to give me lots of assignments and whatnot due in the week that we get back FROM spring break.


Monday - a quiz

Tuesday - a midterm

Wednesday - a midterm and a project due

Thursday - another project due

Friday - a presentation (which I haven't worked on, because it was in fact supposed to be on the Monday AFTER...but he decided to move mine ahead a few days...joy of joys! )


But anyway...enough complaining for me...I must get back to packing.  Even with the "lovely" week that I'll have when I get back, or maybe just because I'm going to be living in h*ll for the remainder of the semester when I get back, I'm going to enjoy myself to the max in Vegas and San Diego.  Have a great week, everyone and, if not before, I'll catch up with ya'll when I get back next weekend.  


Take care and be safe (especially to those of you also on spring break!)  )

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