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General knowledge for this board


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Just a few random babblings here about how this board is organized.  Please remember this post in case you have any questions, since this should be a guide on how to get your answers.


First and foremost, this board is being run in a chain-of-command style way.  What this means, simply put, is that if you have a question, concern, comment or anything else about a part of this board, please direct it to the proper staff member.


If it deals with a forum or a category, please start with the Forum Moderator.  If that doesn't help, then move it up to the Sub-Category Moderator and finally the Category Moderator.


If it deals with another part of the board (problems with viewing member lists, editting your profile, sending or reading PM's, etc), then try to contact a board Administrator.


Sending anything to me should be a last resort, except when there is no alternative.


This is not meant to discourage anyone FROM getting in contact with me.  It is simply the route to follow to improve faster high quality responses.

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