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I dont know what to call this one..I also wrote it at 11:P Well here ya g0..




Today is the day to remember

Tomorrow is why were here

Yesturday was a blessing

That I didn't shed a tear.


I may infact cry often

But please don't feel bad for me

I am only a girl, A fairly young girl

Come to my world and you'll see.


My skies are always differen't colours

My grass is sometimes green,

My life in General is great

I make it happier than what it seems.


I'm not perfect

I'm not smart,

I try my hardest, and best.

That is all I can give you

I sometimes even fail Life's Test.


So please have faith in me

Keep your confidence high,

Because without your support, i'm helpless

There would be no point in me to try.

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