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Some kooL recipies


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Well next time a parent says "wanna go grcery shopping w/ me?" You say "YES?! O thank you kind parential unit of mine!!!" Now, once u get there, go for the chicken fingers. Get those! Next, get some hot sause,spices and chili peppers. Once u take the ALREADY made chicken fingers home pour on the sause. After heating, strring, etc. PouuuuuRrR it on :) ! Then sprinkle some nice spices on it.Then chop up the chili peppers. Put little pieces on the chicken. Then pour some more sause on. Then cooK it for like 10-15 minutes. When it comes out. Expect a spicey treat.

Now, a nice drink to go w/ that is a strawberry bannana mix! Try mixing those to up.But the REAL secret to make a real smoothie is adding Sierra Mist while slowly mixing in the smoothie mixer.nd OF COARSE add ice.

Now you have a combonation of hot and cold. Try it, REALLY. Its pretty kooL. BTW! Always remember for a side dish, have some cheeeeese!Cheese is good! Remember that when u have to choose! ;)


~the cheese has spoken~

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