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What kind of pets do you have?


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I have 3 dogs a rabbit and guinnie :)



Suche- chow -an amazing dog

trixie- Chow suche's sister;; used to be my grans. She's crippled but i care alot about her (The dog)

Kiara- My baby :) A wee bijon friese (poodleish)

and my old dogs i had to leave when i moved that i cared for..

Rogan-(rogie) Big loveable german shepard. We all miss him so much but he ws just too big too move :(( aww i loved tht doggy!

Dudley-My other puppy who was too boistrus to move with us and he's happy with a family with kids now. He was a kingcharles spaniel <3


My wabbit is interesting

his name is bubbles,he's white. He used to have a friend called squeek but squeek escaped one day and suche ate him O.O i didnt know the full story til yeears after when lee goes at dinner "hey remember when suche ate the rabbit" im like "O.O"

so yeah bubbles is like 10 and he rox because he's huge and soft and friendly :)


my guinnie pig

we haven't really named it because it doesn't like humans much. Quite timid so we keep it in the big shed with the rabbit and they're best of friends;; aw :)



I have grown up with pets and animals and have always loved them because they are protectors and company and they never let you down :P

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What's up with everyone naming their dogs Jake? There's an australian shepherd in my dog's obedience class named Jake. It makes it REALLY weird to go to class with my husband when he shares a name with a dog. lol Anyway...an update on MY pet list:


I have just 2 dogs now:


There is Sprocket the rat terrier (We got him in April)




Patches the dalmation mix (We got him the last day of May)


They're both rescued dogs. They came from the SPCA, but from 2 different ones. Sprocket was heartworm positive when we got him, but they've all been treated now and I'll have the vet retest him in about 3 months. They're both very well behaved and INCREDIBLY well suited to apartment life. What sweet little angels. I didn't get my Wiggles back, but I have 2 other angels in my life now. I just wish I knew where Wiggles was. I miss him so. I just want to know he's happy and heatlhy.



And we musn't forget the husband, newly add in February. What a delight. :D He doesn't cook though. (Not often, but when he does, it's delicious) :popcorn:

Edited by fluffyrat
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