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How to make a grocery cashier happy


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Grocery store lines suck don't they?


Want to make them move faster?


Want to keep the cashier from making sure your eggs or bread get packed with cans as a form of revenge? (You'd be surpised how often this happens)


Care to keep the bagger from doing the same thing?


Tips to keep your cashier happy and your egg safe ;P


1) Pay attention. Talk to us. If you want something done a certain way be sure to tell us twice - after greeting us, and as we get to that item or getting ready to bag.


2) Your store have a savings card? Have it ready and out. You'll save so much time if you don't have to look for it, or go back out to your car after unloading all your grocerys on to the belt.


3) Heavy goods first. Soft goods last. Like items together. Example: Soda packs, dog food and can goods on the belt first, followed by boxed goods, meats, cold/fridge stuff, bread, chips, cakes, flowers etc. By placing the heavy stuff first, there is less of a chance of your soft goods getting squished. Grouping like items together makes for quick and easy bagging.


4) USE THE DIVIDERS! If you don't see some, ask!


5) Its not our fault if something rings up wrong, unless its produce, cause we can mistype the numbers. But most the time, we don't. Cashiers can not control the prices in the computer. We can call our managers and the people who scan the prices in, but cashiers are not responsible for the prices! Repeat that! Cashiers do not control prices!


6) Look us in the eye. Same with the baggers. Smile. Let us know you don't think your better than us cause your on the other side of the register. You'd be surpised how many people think we are worthless and not worth the effort. That simple show of respect gains much favor.


7) If there is a problem with your reciept, just go to customer service - most the time, the cashiers cannot fix any errors on the receipt. We are gonna send you over there anyway if you come to us. Even if we agree with you on the error. We simply can't fix it.


8) With produce, don't mix types up. Don't bag onions with cucmbers then get mad when we have to seperate them. Bag them all seperately. Roma tomatos with roma tomatos, yellow squash with yellow squash.


9) Please don't talk on your cell when going though the check out. Most the time, we are reluctant to talk to you if you are carrying on a convo with someone else on the phone. Its rude to interrupt. Which makes it a lot harder to serve you. If your on the phone, put it aside while checking out.


10) Make sure you have your payment ready.. if you got a check, write it out while your in line. Make sure you have your debit/creidt card with you, or enough cash.


11) DON'T LEAVE GOODS AT THE END OF THE LINE! The magizine rack and candy rack is not a place to stick goods you don't want! You know how much work it is gathering all that up every 15 minutes??? Hand it to the cashier if you don't want it, then at least we know its there and can have it put where it belongs so it can be bought by someone who wants it.


12) Above all - Be respectful, polite and patient. Some of us work our tails off to make sure your wait is short and service is good.


I hate it when customers get rude, or get this better than you attitude just because they make more than us or have a cushy office job. Cashiers are people! Treat us as such. I have purposely damaged or misplaced goods to people who are extremely rude to me. No revenge isn't something to induldge in, but would you rather I jump over the register and beat people with my scan gun?


To those who tag along with your parents: Go ahead, help us bag if you want to, just don't get in the way. Don't stand around looking at candy when you know your mom is gonna say no. You block up our lines. If you want something as soon as its scanned, ask, we are more than happy to give to you rather than bag it. And don't wander to far from your parents. When they start lookin for you you'd be surpised how much they can hold up a line.

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3) Heavy goods first. Soft goods last. Like items together. Example: Soda packs, dog food and can goods on the belt first, followed by boxed goods, meats, cold/fridge stuff, bread, chips, cakes, flowers etc. By placing the heavy stuff first, there is less of a chance of your soft goods getting squished. Grouping like items together makes for quick and easy bagging.

Also I have heard that it's best to do refridgerated/frozen products first. I presume because its easier to double bag certain items in a rythme than to go back and forth between bag, double bag, etc.


I'm sure there's more to it, but that's what I heard awhile ago and I've followed that ever since. But even if not, best to group freezer/fridge items together anyway, especially helpful when getting home because then a few bags of all freezer/fridge items, and then you can put off the rest if you want because it won't go bad.



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Depends on your order. If you got a bunch of heavy stuff like soda cases, they are gonna squish your frozen goods. And its ALWAYS good idea to group them together. In the bags they help keep the overall temp down and keeps them cold longer. And if your cashier is not too far behind, ask for the cold stuff in paper, it keeps them colder even longer.
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It may just be my store, I was given the impression that its company wide though.


The 507 has a lot of bag problems, we run out much faster than we should. It probably is just my store and they say its company wide just to make sure we follow.. they've done that before.

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  • 6 months later...
OH MY GOSH! Yes! I have worked as a cashier for over a year in my local grocery store. I'm a high school student and any money for college sounds good. I'm glad someone posted this. Cashier's aren't all knowledgable or all controling, we don't know where everything is (though we try our very best) costumer service has the resources and training to help you, we can ring up oranges and tomatoes.
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