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One man, one vote?


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Hi davidsign :)


You raise an interesting point. I heard a discussion recently about a similar matter, the very real issue of whether people with Alzheimer's disease should be allowed to vote.


Maybe, maybe not, but who would be the one to decide who is qualified, or what weight their vote should carry?

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I think he means in that when we, as a nation, cast our votes, those votes should be counted for what they are, a popular vote. Right now we have an electoral vote that causes problems. Take a look at the 2000 election in which Al Gore won the popular vote, but because of Bush's having influence in Florida, he was able to scheme and win because of the electoral vote.
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Clarification: for this topic, I was asking whether or not every person should be allowed to vote. I started another topic about the electoral college system to address the "counting" of the votes.



First, we must decide if everyone should have the right to vote. I think the answer is clearly "no." We already restrict minors, criminals, and non-citizens from voting.


So, how do we determine who gets to vote? (as Sweetpea asked). I've my own ideas, but I'd like to hear yours. :)


I'll write more when I have more time.

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  • 2 months later...
If you start restricting votes based on whatever factors, where does it stop? Let's say we eliminate all the dumb people from voting. So now everyone with an IQ below 50 can't vote. We've already got the minors and criminals taken care of. Perhaps now, going along with the dumb factor (and no disrespect to those that I will mention, they're just examples), we can say that since the majority of people in Arkansas, Alabama, Texas, and Rhode Island are all dumb, we might as well just not count anyone from that state. Then we could say that inner city kids (mostly black youths) who can't get proper education are also dumb, so we might as well not let any black people vote either. And then we could say that Muslims believe in this whole Jihad business which is obviously stupid, so we might as well eliminate them. Eventually you need up with a nice totalitarian state where the upper class thinks that they live in a democracy and vote for their leader and keep in place this whole business of suppression of rights. Remember, Hitler was voted in as Chancellor by the people, he didn't steal the office.
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  • 4 months later...

I think everyone should be allowed to vote so long as they are going to make intelligent voting decisions. (ie, not for Bush).




nah, seriously, even those who make that mistake should be allowed to vote, because otherwise it would be a form of prejudice.

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