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Mystic Rose


My body aches.


I had a very long day and the night is all about my face in my books.


So, I cut my hair. Um about 12 inches worth and I am donating my hair to Locks of Love. They make wigs for children with cancer.


I feel naked oh my my hair is GONE!!!!!


Well um it is for a good cause J has done it before plus my hair will grow back.


Well today was rather stressful at uni so much work and so little time I fear I will never ever finish.


I am so tired and already have so much work to do.


Now, I am relaxing and waiting for dinner while I post on the forums and check my email.


J's turn to cook oh my it does smell good.


I am so very tierd.


I desperately am in need of a nap.


But no no no ---- no rest for the wicked.


Work so far I have been called in for a few hours and glad it has been late in the afternoon.


I will pass on the night shift with uni and all it is too much.


Things with Jay are still going strong.


We talk on the phone and on MSN when we can not see each other so I am happy my life seems very hectic but I am happy.


I also had a great talk with my dad and my mom um I miss them so much at times.


Well dinner is being served.http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j295/HaloGal_photos/misc/thglitterrose.gif


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