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I have no complaints at da moment yep Life is good right now. Feeling groovy man ya peace and all that stuff ....

http://bestsmileys.com/cheering/2.gif YEAH ME!!!!!


Things with my man are great as per usual we had a really romantic night last night. He took me to a real nice romantic restaurant we ate talked and played footsies under the table. http://bestsmileys.com/blushing/5.gif The rest of my night was really ..... for adults only --- so that part of it I will write it on my other online journal. FOR ADULTS EYES ONLY sorry kiddies. My man is incredibly sweet and incredibly cute oh so hot. I LOVE HIM! ........

Hs e is da bomb. He's smart, he's athletic. He is the TOTAL PACKAGE. Everything I ever want in a man.


Well kiddies I really need to get the cleaning done have the bathrooms and still need to clean the floors. Blah! I hate to clean man really sucks eggs, but I want it all done so I can just spend time with my man tomorrow.http://bestsmileys.com/blushing/7.gif UPDATE: change in plans me and the girls are so headed out for a night a pure fun heading to an adult club LaBare see some hot men. SWEET!!!!




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