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Almost Over

Mystic Rose


Still stressing out but it is almost over.


My first semester at uni is almost finished whew what a ride. I do need to get off now.


I honestly shouldnt be on here right now.


But as I write I eat my burger lol and I am once again wearing my santa hat.


Makes me all warm.


I need the sleep. Taking naps mostly while I stay up to study. FINALS!!!!!


I was up until 4 am almost last night and the night before an so on.............


My entire body is exhausted.


I take my uni education very serious. I hear some of the other students talk about their grades and they seem not to care.


I do not know maybe it is me but .......... I do not get it.


A Random FYI:


Greyhounds are universal doggie blood donors, so if you ever have a doggie in need of a blood transfusion a greyhound gave his/her blood to save your doggie.


My professor gave us back our midterms for psy class and my grade is a 93%. :)


There's a big A with a circle around it on the top of my paper. :)


My midterm grade for Speech class was another A yes a 95%.


In speech of all things funny I never thought I would end up getting an A in speech.


B) I feel scholarly.


Especially as I sit here writing with my santa hat on my head yes very scholarly. :lol:


I need to go back and study.


I just had the urge to come on in and write.




Oh yes .........




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