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Waiting YO!



Thanksgiving was da bomb man hell I am still waiting on my peeps to get up hell I am surprised I am up well I am always the first one up around here man for sure anyhoo........we all went to bed really late. My man was so hot in his poker playing last night sh*t like there was no stopping him. I am proud ha ha ha ...


Well, it's was a cold morning. I am so enjoying da cold front sadly it will not last for long oh well gotta enjoy it while it is here well I have been sniffling all morning damn sinus congestion never fails with da change in da wheather. I have been sneezing a lot too. I have to go ahead and get medicine now for my sinuses because they are going to kill me. I love winter, but I do not like these problems that come along with it but as luck would have it the winters here are so whacked.



I talked to the rest of the family last night was cool. Spending these few days with my brother way cool and come Dec. 6th another brother and family (his) will be coming down for a visit ..... like how cool is that man..... http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a371/dream19/smileys%20only/wootrock.gif


I just heard someone going into the hall bathroom chances mmmmm who can it be now..........


Later man ..............I am like so outta here Peace y'all.




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