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Mystic Rose


I am so thankful and yet a little down today.


Feeling a little blue today because this is my very first thanksgiving away from my family. This year we are all spread apart first time ever for me and I am sad and I miss my family.


I love the fact that I am here with my sister and this is my home now but I can not help it but to miss the other members of my family. Happy my brother is here that is really sweet really happy so see him.


God keeps me strong.


God showers me with His love.


God is always there for me never ever leaves my side.


God how wonderful you are and yes Lord I am so very blessed and grateful.



I just want to say that I am SO blessed! My life is better than I could have dreamed it would be and I thank God for giving me so much to be thankful for!!



Don't ever forget to count your blessings.


There is ALWAYS something to be thankful for!


As for me I am so very thankful for and not just on this day of thanksgiving but everyday:


I am thankful for:


My faith and Salvation through Jesus Christ.


My family and my friends and yes my (all) pets.


A great place to live.


My college education. A great opportunity to get an education that not so many people have had in their lives.


Jay who has brought so much joy into my life.


My sister's boyfriend who has been a great freind always there to lend a helpng hand or just listen.


Hope and Peace.


Oh my I have so many other wonderful things in my life to be thankful for way too much to list!



Lord I am truly happy I have a ton of stuff to be thankful for!


Anyway, I hope you guys are having a great Thanksgiving and that you can think about the GOOD things in the midst of the bad .


I just pray that the burdens will be lifted and that you will be able to feel the good things...


God Bless y'all tody and everyday.


Oh my how can I forget Jay will be coming and spending thanksgiving here with me oh my I am so very happy oh my I am a mix bag of emotions.


I will get over the sadness and I will embrace the possitive and hold on tight to my happiness.


Again I wish y'all the best.


God Bless.


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