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Busy Saturday



What a busy day woot! I like busy ya know it is all good. Oh Oh man on Friday I am like watching the news and I see the HS I am volunteering at for my hours and there are cops/ambulances/.helicopters etc.... and it seems that there was a idiot student who was messing around with pepper spray in one of the schools halls. What a mess. I think one teacher and three students were taken to the hospital. I hope everyone that was affected by this situation are doing better today. When they find the stupid kid that did it chances are he/she will be arrested and expelled. The idiot deserves what they get this all took place at dismissal yesterday (Friday November 17th) I was not there I do not volunteer on Fridays so I missed the whole show.


I had to work today man no biggie it was all good and not too busy so cool beans I managed to get some studying done and get paid like how cool is that man. http://bestsmileys.com/freak/4.gif

Even though I am like so PMSed it was a great day and tonight I plan to spend it with my man watch some tv eat dinner and jump in the hot tub it is a cool night. YEAH! for me .... http://bestsmileys.com/bouncing/5.gif I think sis will be having a guest also here tonight. http://bestsmileys.com/love1/17.gif is in the air.


Y'all know I felt very weird driving home late this afternoon becuase another semester is flying by twice as quick as usual. I cannot believe it. I am so close to that finish line yeah baby. I just had to put this in 'cause it was on me mind ya know http://bestsmileys.com/bouncing/10.gif


Well kiddies I am off to have my dinner and enjoy this cool awesome night.




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