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I am Back



Hello yeah I am back and I am a blogging on here so Ash your on girlie. :yes:


I will keep this blog strictly about my college life and a few tidbits about my life.


You know what, I actually don't have much to complain about today. I had an awesome weekend in the Keys with my man just the two of us very romantic and we had so much fun. I am slightly overwhelmed with the amount of school work I have piling up, but I think I can handle. I hope. I am not gonna regret a minute of my trip with my sweet honey. Exams well this week I have two biggies. I only have two exams, and I am hoping for a year where I finish early and have time to "relax" before my Thanksgiving break. My two exams were joyously scheduled for the 15th and the 20th. Blah! I have one last paper due as well but that sucker is DONE. I am also almost finished with my HS volunteering for one of my education classes I am just about there with all my hours. Cool. HS man this has been an interesting experience ya know one thing is being a student and another is being the teacher I rather be the teacher. I am so glad I do not speak spanish hell so glad that means no BCC classes for me if I do end up teaching HS yeah me those kids are impossible.


Alright, enough of my procrastination. I still need to unpack and I need to get ready for my classes for today. :o


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