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My ReFlection

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Isn't that wonderful?

Stayed up late last night.   I hit major writer's block yesterday stressing over those two research papers which I don't know how to start . Oh, I can write, I don't think that's the problem it is getting all the research done.   I tend to procrastinate at times and I have left these two research papers for last. I still have time but I have to crack my whip and get to it asap.   So, college has been really great this year in a lot of ways. I have made friends who I enjoy being with and who

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose


Oh my it is kicking me in the booty once again and my work load is huge.   Well I did slack off a little so this serves me right but the last few days I have been on top of things.   I need to hang in there it is already November so so close to the end of my very first semester.   I am all done with my paper so much still to do but I think I will take a long hot bath with Mr. Bubbles see if I can release some stress.   You know I feel on track with all my school work.   BUT...   If i'm on

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

Tired and not in a good mood but........

I will recover tonight as I sit and eat candy and popcorn and watch Ghosthunters Live on the SCI FI Chanel.   The fun starts at 11:00 pm till like 6 am and I am so not missing a minute even though we have TIVO.   Of course I plan to TIVO it also plus Jay will be spending the night to watch it with me he is also a huge fan of the show and the paranormal.   So I am happy. Tired but gonna get some sleep soon so I can watch the show.   And that is how I plan to spend my halloween .........

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

Had A Blast

We had an awesome time yesterday at our halloween party.   I danced the night away with Jay and even had a few drinks.   Which I figured helped me get out of my shell a wee bit.   I met some really nice people along the way.   It was truly a good time and I am so not the party type of person.   Off to have dinner with Jay in like another hour.

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose


All set for tomorrows party.   The house is decorated and it looks great.   My costume also looks good went the scary route. Jay will be dressed as a vampire.   We even have a DJ coming.   Oh my I am excited.   I love halloween the one holiday you can dress up and be somebody else for a few hours.   I so want this baseball junk to be over yuk I hate sports.   Some people around here drive me nuts.   Little rant.   Well I guess that is it I am off to call Jay and later bed.

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

Looking Forwards.........

I am looking forward to this weekend.   Our Halloween party and only because Jay will be here with me I am really excited.   I am leaning towards a witch costume but not sure if I should go sexy or scary.   Oh my sexy even writing that down feels strange. I am sure I will do the scary and leave the sexy up to my sis. lol.   Our decorations look really good.   We still have other stuff to take care of.   I need to hit the books enough with the slacking.    

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose


K before I make a final decision I will be doing some more research.   Sweet Lord I need to save up money for a pc I have to share with my sister and at times it drives me kinda nuts.   No this is not the decision I need to make this one is a matter of saving my money. It is all great when she actually both of them are outta the house, but when all three of us are here I take the back seat.   Just complaining.     I am so tired wow sleepy I am so I will be headed off to la la land soon

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

I Never

I Never   I never asked love to find me, I always tried to hide away; I never asked love to open up, I never thought that love would stay.   I never asked love to leave me lonely, I never wanted to feel the pain; I never asked love to tell me, that it all has been in vain.   I never asked love to feel sorry, for what it's done in the past; I never asked love to break my heart, I never knew that love could last.   I never asked love to forget me, Even though it's hurt me so; I neve

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

Be Near You

Be Near You   I'd try to do anything Just to be near you Get a little bit closer To you it's heaven.   Whenever our eyes meet You make my heartbeat fast I always want to be near you, Because in you, I've found the one.   Being close to you Makes me feel so right I can do everything Wherever I go, whatever I do The thoughts of you Brings a smile into my heart.   Now, here you are Closer to me I can't believe it's you Everything will change, I know But always for me, it will

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

Back we be............

Yes we are all back wow got in at 5:00 am this morning.   I so slept in today and so very tired.   We had an awesome time these past few days and I so needed to get away.   I feel tired but I have come well made up my mind as to a very important decision but that is for another entry. NOT NOW......   I loves St. Augustine omg loved it ---- so very much wow the history.   I loved the tours we took all of them especially the ghost tours.   This was so cool omg loved the Potters Wax Museum..

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

Going Away

Finally it is Friday and we are all going away for the weekend and I could not be happier.   I need a break from everything that is going on in my life this past week was HELL.   I want to get away and forget if only for a few days.   I will tackle life when I get back.   Well I still need to finish up some laundary and head off to the bank and finish packing. I am so excited!!!   Oh I can not wait to leave.

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

Going outta town

I almost forgot we have all the hotel reservations made and we are headed to St. Augustine Florida oh my my first time.   Julie has been there before but it is my first time k um so going on the haunted tours and omg I am looking forward to checking out the same lighthouse where the ghost hunters went oh my that was their best episode ever..........   I am so excited I can not wait yes I feel like a little kid who gets to go to the candy store.   I am very very happy.   Oh my and Jay is comi

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

Monday Again

Um back to the grind been busy --- I am not a morning person I have no idea how Julie does it she can be so cheery all I wanna do is smack her......   Good Lord I am so sleepy.   I still need to get school work done plus wash the dishes.   But I am so looking forward to seeing Jay tonight he is coming over tonight.

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

Nice Time Last Night

We had a good time really wow.dinner was great and had a blast at Game Works.   I so slept in this morning.   Jay was as always great he kissed me last night for the first time.   All in all a great time.   I am so slacking off so far today.

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

Saturday, Saturday

Oh my I have blown the entire morning. I am still in my pjs lol.   I guess I needed the rest. I need to get off the pc and start studying soon tonight I have been invited to go out with Jay.   Julie and her b/f will be coming along also we are going out to eat and most likely heading to Game Works.   Gotta get in gear.  

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

It is gonna be a long week

It is gonna be a long week for me between school and seeing the doctors yes more than one.   I was able to get a good nights sleep last night felt good untill the alarm rang.   I have cut back the hours.days I work at the vets office. I must add that to the list of its going to be a very long week for me oh well such is life.       http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j295/HaloGal_photos/sigs/1.gif

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose


"A philosophy professor stood before his class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly he picked up a large empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with rocks, rocks about 2" in diameter. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was. So the professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles, of course, rolled into the open areas between the rocks. He then asked the students ag

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

Inspirational Quotes

The rising sun age old yet new and inspiring lighting up the world with its soft pink rays; just watching the familiar hues dance on the still water I return to emotions that never truly left. Just as the sun sets it rises again wide arms embracing a new day.   - Li Steins -   "Outer space is inhabited by comets, planets and suns. But while comets cross the expanse like dishevelled heads of hair, planets revolve immutably around a sun from which they receive heat and light. As for

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

Blah Blah Blah

Hey again no sleep for me well a not so great nights sleep.   My body is in pain again I feel horrible.   I have a doctors apt. on Thursday see what is wrong I guess this pain in my body is just horrible at times.   Julie has been so supportive my folks know nothing only Julie knows and now everyone who reads this silly blog. http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j295/HaloGal_photos/sigs/3454.gif   I am all set for class tomorrow so I am glad I can use this Sunday to relax.   I have to s

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

Happy Friday

I am glad I had a chance to sleep in for once very nice to try at least to catch up with some sleep.   This afternoon I will be meeting with two of the girls in my group for my speech class project at the campus library.   Yes I am taking a speech class I figured it would do me good to get up and talk to people. I am very stressed out over this class, but I plan on passing this class come hell or high water.   I have slacked off most of the morning yeah I really needed to just unwind.   Well

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

Better Day

Um yeah a better day in so many ways for me today I went to all my classes.   K I so hate working in groups especially when you have idiot fools in your group. This project counts for 5 grades.   I can predict I will be doing all the work. I take my grades way to serious to allow some fool to ruin my GPA.   Have to work on it tonight right now I want to relax for a little while before I get into any school work.    

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose


Another day and more school work piled up on me oh hell at times I so rethink all this college stuff.   My grandma sent me a way belated BD gift of a whopper of a check she is sweet.   I sttuffed the money into my savings.   After class I headed to the post office and bank and grabbed some food at Wendy's.   I am tired.   Need to hit the books soon ........  

Mystic Rose

Mystic Rose

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