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15 Things to do at Wal-mart


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I've done that condom thing before. Except it was in a different store. Hey, it still counts!

Should do that aiming only for kids. Like if the kid is pushing a cart, as soon as they look away, pop it in there. Especially funny if they are with a parent, watching them at the checkout line...


Or if the kid is alone, trying to sneak it into their basket (most likely a hand held if they're using one at all). Be interesting to see the clerk looking at the kid trying to buy condoms. :lol:

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Did it ever occur to you that the kid could get in a crapload of trouble by their parents if they caught their children with such stuff in the cart? Then again, what do I care?

That was sort of the point behind it all. To raise a little havoc between the parent(s) and the kid. Shake things up a bit.

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